Im pretty new to this but I have installed the AD provider and authenticated using a root domain account. I have followed all the steps on the documentation but things arent working they way i believe they should.
I dont really understand why you need to put the domain account into the web.config file. Does this not mean that everyone hitting the site will be logged in as that user? For example the root account is :
My account is:
'Sites' is a child domain in entplc, so how will it recognise my account if im using impersonation?
When even I hit my site, I do not get a windows prompt to login. The documentation says that I should (I have not applied the ‘Other settings’ yet because I just wanted to see it working).
Could someone please let me know the behavoiur off DNN with AD as I just don’t understand it?
I do have some other questions to:
1. What is the behavior of the AD security provider for DNN? I would expect that it allows the administration page to pick up users from our AD and launch them into the DNN database so that they can be assigned DNN roles. I’d also imagine that when a user logs in they are first authenticated against AD rather than the DNN users table, then DNN correlates the login with the users table to pick up the roles.
2. Under which security context should the DNN site run? Should the site impersonate the logged in user as with Sharepoint or should the site run using a service account and the DNN code handles the rest using the user principal ID on the request?
A lot of questions I know, but help with any of them would be much appreciated, and I think it be of benefit to others having the same issue.