Yes, Seb i had my db collation as Latin_CI_AS, however faulty thing was server collation i guess.
To simulate the issue can you try following?
Download and install Windows Server 2008 Evolution release (Make sure that you are using Turkish - Turkey for all Regional Settings)
Download and install SQL Server 2008 Express/Standart or any other edition with default options. (This will cause server collation to use Turkish_CI_AS)
The outcome is:
If Server Collationi is Turkish_CI_AS, you won't be able to install DNN succcesfully even you specify db collation as Latin1_General_CI_AS
I have tried this multiple times with various scenarios.
From my understanding, i can tell that it has something do with SQL Scripts of Installation packages.
Same scenarios valid for Windows Server 2003 / SQL Server 2005/2000 and all other similar environments.
Please help us to get rid of this annoying problem.
Warm regards.