I have a site that shows "business listings". When a business adds their listing to my site, they have to choose the categories that their listing applies to (I.e. Furniture, Appliances, Garden Tools) in order to allow the user to filter their searches.
Similarly, when a user searches for a listing, they may choose to use the list of categories to filter the search.
I have been looking for a "neat" way to allow a business to add/edit/remove their listing from categories as well as the same "neat" way for a user to select/deselect which categories they want to use to filter the search.
The best way I could find was the MultiSelect Dropdown control that a software developer posted at this address:
However, seeing as I'm a nub to web programming, I have no idea how I can incorporate "a user control inside a user control" seeing as my module is a user control itsself.
Can anyone help me with this, or alternatively, suggest a "neat" way for me to manage the categories on both the business listings and search pages.
Many thanks