I said I would post my solution when I found one so here it is. Not yet complete but still helpful.
Thank you to Brian at Engage for his SQL help, and the TressleWorks PDF help file.
Using Tressleworks.ca SQLGridSelectView (SGSV) I was able to create a calendar view where the user could select a begin and end date and display a list of events in a grid. There is no formatting applied yet. So far that's all I have. Here are the details.
Install SGSV module and place on a page.
Edit SGSV settings
Add this SQL to the SQL Statements box: (add object qualifier if you have one and ModuleID is obtained from the URL for the Events->Settings page)
SELECT EventTimeBegin, DATEADD(minute, Duration, EventTimeBegin), EventName, EventDesc
FROM Events
WHERE ModuleID=xxx
Expand Date Range Selections and use these settings:
Check box for "Enable"
Parm Name: Date
Prompt: Select Date Range (yyyy-mmmm-dd)
From Date: *** Use a resonable date or something not to far in the past*** (2009-jan-01)
To Date: s;-1;MM/dd/yy
Clause: EventDateEnd Between '[Date:From] and '[Date:To]'
Check box for "Show Calendars"
Optional items:
Under Processing Options I have selected "Display Reset" "Display Record Count" "Display Time Stamp"