Well I like to say If it will stay broken I can fix it. This problem is certainly not intermittant :) If I uncomment the belowmentioned line(s) it generates the problem every time.
I tried commenting out some other code in web.config then uncommenting again, no problem there. And I know I modified the web.config once before to input my sql server name and credentials and that was not a problem.
The instructions say to find the commented out section that starts with <indentity impersonate="true" and uncomment that line only. I dont mean to be a dunce but does that mean this entire section? Or really only that line of the code?
Anyway I've tried it both ways and the problem occurs.
Perhaps I miskeyed while typing in the credentials and the code is not good anymore. Wish I had simply made a copy of web.config before I modified it. Will do that in the future. Could someone advise me exactly what this section in your web.config looks like?
Here's mine, commented out . Did I step on something here?
<!-- <identity impersonate="true" userName="mydomain\myuser" password=”mypassword” />
<authentication mode="Windows">
</authentication> -->