A Workflow at its simplest is the movement of documents and/or tasks through a work process. Specifically, a workflow is the operational aspect of a work procedure: that is, how tasks are structured, who performs them, what their relative order is, how they are synchronized, how information flows to support the tasks and how tasks are being tracked. The concept of a workflow is an integral part of document management software.
A simple example would be a registration workflow:
1 - a user is presented with an electrinic form (form state: "initialized");
2 - the user fills out the electronic form (form state: "populated");
3- The user sends the form (form state: "submitted");
4 - A human agent acknowledges receipt of the form and validates its contents (form state: "validation");
5- A human agent approves the registration and sends out an acknowledgement to the user (form state: approved").
Hope this helps
Jacques Colmenero
Solution Architect - Strategik Information Systems