I'm trying to upgrade and I get errors in the upgrade process. I would appreciate help as it is preventing me from upgrading to v5
regards, Mark
Error in dotnetnuke.schema.log
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is already an object named 'PK_EventLogMaster' in the database.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteADOScript(String SQL)
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is already an object named 'PK_EventLogTypes' in the database.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteADOScript(String SQL)
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'dbo.EventLogTypes' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK_EventLog_EventLogTypes'.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteADOScript(String SQL)
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions)
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLog] ADD
CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLog_EventLogTypes] FOREIGN KEY ([LogTypeKey]) REFERENCES dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLog_EventLogConfig] FOREIGN KEY ([LogConfigID]) REFERENCES dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID])
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'dbo.EventLogTypes' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK_EventLogConfig_EventLogTypes'.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteADOScript(String SQL)
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions)
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLogConfig] ADD
CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLogConfig_EventLogTypes] FOREIGN KEY ([LogTypeKey]) REFERENCES dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey])
error in dotnetnuke.data.log
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'FK_EventLogConfig_EventLogTypes' is not a constraint.
Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteADOScript(String SQL)
at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions)
-- Pointer used for text / image updates. This might not be needed, but is declared here just in case
DECLARE @pv binary(16)
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[Tabs]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[TabPermission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[TabPermission] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_TabPermission_Permission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[TabPermission] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_TabPermission_Tabs]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[TabModules]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[TabModules] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_TabModules_Modules]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[TabModules] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_TabModules_Tabs]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[Modules]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[Modules] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Modules_ModuleDefinitions]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[Modules] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Modules_Portals]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[ModuleDefinitions]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ModuleDefinitions_DesktopModules]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[ModuleControls]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModuleControls] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ModuleControls_ModuleDefinitions]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[EventLogConfig]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLogConfig] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLogConfig_EventLogTypes]
-- Drop constraint FK_EventLog_EventLogConfig from dbo.[EventLog]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLog] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLog_EventLogConfig]
-- Drop constraint FK_ScheduleHistory_Schedule from dbo.[ScheduleHistory]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ScheduleHistory] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ScheduleHistory_Schedule]
-- Drop constraint FK_ScheduleItemSettings_Schedule from dbo.[ScheduleItemSettings]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ScheduleItemSettings] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ScheduleItemSettings_Schedule]
-- Drop constraint FK_FolderPermission_Permission from dbo.[FolderPermission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[FolderPermission] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_FolderPermission_Permission]
-- Drop constraint FK_ModulePermission_Permission from dbo.[ModulePermission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModulePermission] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ModulePermission_Permission]
-- Drop constraint FK_EventLog_EventLogTypes from dbo.[EventLog]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLog] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLog_EventLogTypes]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ProfilePropertyDefinition_Portals]
-- Drop constraints from dbo.[ModuleSettings]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModuleSettings] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_ModuleSettings_Modules]
-- Add rows to dbo.[EventLogTypes]
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'ADMIN_ALERT', N'Admin Alert', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'AdminAlert')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'APPLICATION_END', N'Application Ended', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'APPLICATION_SHUTTING_DOWN', N'Application Shutting Down', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'APPLICATION_START', N'Application Started', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'CACHE_REFRESHED', N'Cache Refreshed', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'DEBUG', N'Debug Info', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'GENERAL_EXCEPTION', N'General Exception', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.ExceptionLogType', N'Exception')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'HOST_ALERT', N'Host Alert', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'HostAlert')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'LOG_NOTIFICATION_FAILURE', N'Log Notification Failure', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationFailure')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'LOGIN_FAILURE', N'Login Failure', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationFailure')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'LOGIN_SUCCESS', N'Login Success', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationSuccess')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'LOGIN_SUPERUSER', N'Login - Superuser', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationSuccess')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'LOGIN_USERLOCKEDOUT', N'User Locked Out', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationFailure')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'LOGIN_USERNOTAPPROVED', N'User Not Approved', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationFailure')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'MODULE_CREATED', N'Module Created', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemCreated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'MODULE_DELETED', N'Module Deleted', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'MODULE_LOAD_EXCEPTION', N'Module Load Exception', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.ExceptionLogType', N'Exception')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'MODULE_RESTORED', N'Module Restored', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemUpdated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'MODULE_SENT_TO_RECYCLE_BIN', N'Module Sent to Recycle Bin', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'MODULE_UPDATED', N'Module Updated', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemUpdated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'PAGE_LOAD_EXCEPTION', N'Page Load Exception', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.ExceptionLogType', N'Exception')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'PASSWORD_SENT_FAILURE', N'Password Sent Failure', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationFailure')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'PASSWORD_SENT_SUCCESS', N'Password Sent Success', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationSuccess')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'PORTAL_CREATED', N'Portal Created', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemCreated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'PORTAL_DELETED', N'Portal Deleted', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'ROLE_CREATED', N'Role Created', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemCreated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'ROLE_DELETED', N'Role Deleted', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'ROLE_UPDATED', N'Role Updated', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemUpdated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULE_FIRED_FROM_EVENT', N'Event Schedule Started', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_COMPLETED', N'Scheduler Event Completed', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationSuccess')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_FAILURE', N'Scheduler Event Failure', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationFailure')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_PROGRESSING', N'Scheduler Event Progressing', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationSuccess')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_STARTED', N'Scheduler Event Started', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'OperationSuccess')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_EXCEPTION', N'Scheduler Exception', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.ExceptionLogType', N'Exception')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_SHUTTING_DOWN', N'Scheduler Shutting Down', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_STARTED', N'Scheduler Started', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'SCHEDULER_STOPPED', N'Scheduler Stopped', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'GeneralAdminOperation')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'TAB_CREATED', N'Tab Created', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemCreated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'TAB_DELETED', N'Tab Deleted', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'TAB_RESTORED', N'Tab Restored', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemUpdated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'TAB_SENT_TO_RECYCLE_BIN', N'Tab Sent to Recycle Bin', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'TAB_UPDATED', N'Tab Updated', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemUpdated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'USER_CREATED', N'New User', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemCreated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'USER_DELETED', N'User Deleted', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'USER_ROLE_CREATED', N'User Role Created', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemCreated')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey], [LogTypeFriendlyName], [LogTypeDescription], [LogTypeOwner], [LogTypeCSSClass]) VALUES (N'USER_ROLE_DELETED', N'User Role Deleted', N'', N'DotNetNuke.Logging.EventLogType', N'ItemDeleted')
-- Operation applied to 46 rows out of 46
-- Add rows to dbo.[Permission]
INSERT INTO dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID], [PermissionCode], [ModuleDefID], [PermissionKey], [PermissionName]) VALUES (1, N'SYSTEM_MODULE_DEFINITION', -1, N'VIEW', N'View')
INSERT INTO dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID], [PermissionCode], [ModuleDefID], [PermissionKey], [PermissionName]) VALUES (2, N'SYSTEM_MODULE_DEFINITION', -1, N'EDIT', N'Edit')
INSERT INTO dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID], [PermissionCode], [ModuleDefID], [PermissionKey], [PermissionName]) VALUES (3, N'SYSTEM_TAB', -1, N'VIEW', N'View Tab')
INSERT INTO dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID], [PermissionCode], [ModuleDefID], [PermissionKey], [PermissionName]) VALUES (4, N'SYSTEM_TAB', -1, N'EDIT', N'Edit Tab')
INSERT INTO dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID], [PermissionCode], [ModuleDefID], [PermissionKey], [PermissionName]) VALUES (5, N'SYSTEM_FOLDER', -1, N'READ', N'View Folder')
INSERT INTO dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID], [PermissionCode], [ModuleDefID], [PermissionKey], [PermissionName]) VALUES (6, N'SYSTEM_FOLDER', -1, N'WRITE', N'Write to Folder')
-- Operation applied to 6 rows out of 6
-- Add rows to dbo.[Schedule]
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (1, N'DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.PurgeUsersOnline, DOTNETNUKE', 1, N'm', 5, N'm', 60, N'', 0, 0, N'UsersOnline', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (2, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Log.SiteLog.PurgeSiteLog, DOTNETNUKE', 1, N'd', 2, N'h', 10, N'', 0, 0, N'SiteLog', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (3, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.PurgeScheduleHistory, DOTNETNUKE', 1, N'd', 2, N'd', 60, N'', 0, 1, N'ScheduleHistory', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (4, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.PurgeLogBuffer, DOTNETNUKE', 1, N'm', 5, N'm', 60, N'', 0, 0, N'EventLog', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (5, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.SendLogNotifications, DOTNETNUKE', 5, N'm', 10, N'm', 60, N'', 0, 0, N'EventLog', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (6, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler, DOTNETNUKE', 30, N'm', 60, N'm', 60, N'', 0, 1, N'SearchEngine', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (7, N'DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.ResourceInstaller.InstallResources, DOTNETNUKE', 30, N'm', 60, N'm', 60, N'', 0, 0, N'ResourceInstaller', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (8, N'DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.SynchronizeFileSystem, DOTNETNUKE', 1, N'h', 2, N'h', 10, N'', 0, 0, N'FileSystemUtils', NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID], [TypeFullName], [TimeLapse], [TimeLapseMeasurement], [RetryTimeLapse], [RetryTimeLapseMeasurement], [RetainHistoryNum], [AttachToEvent], [CatchUpEnabled], [Enabled], [ObjectDependencies], [Servers]) VALUES (9, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Cache.PurgeCache, DOTNETNUKE', 2, N'h', 30, N'm', 10, N'', 0, 0, N'', NULL)
-- Operation applied to 9 rows out of 9
-- Add rows to dbo.[SearchCommonWords]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (1, N'a', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (2, N'about', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (3, N'above', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (4, N'according', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (5, N'across', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (6, N'actually', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (7, N'adj', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (8, N'after', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (9, N'afterwards', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (10, N'again', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (11, N'against', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (12, N'all', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (13, N'almost', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (14, N'alone', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (15, N'along', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (16, N'already', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (17, N'also', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (18, N'although', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (19, N'always', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (20, N'among', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (21, N'amongst', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (22, N'an', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (23, N'and', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (24, N'another', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (25, N'any', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (26, N'anyhow', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (27, N'anyone', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (28, N'anything', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (29, N'anywhere', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (30, N'are', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (31, N'aren''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (32, N'around', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (33, N'as', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (34, N'at', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (35, N'b', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (36, N'be', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (37, N'became', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (38, N'because', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (39, N'become', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (40, N'becomes', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (41, N'becoming', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (42, N'been', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (43, N'before', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (44, N'beforehand', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (45, N'begin', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (46, N'behind', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (47, N'being', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (48, N'below', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (49, N'beside', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (50, N'besides', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (51, N'between', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (52, N'beyond', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (53, N'both', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (54, N'but', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (55, N'by', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (56, N'c', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (57, N'can', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (58, N'can''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (59, N'cannot', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (60, N'caption', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (61, N'co', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (62, N'could', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (63, N'couldn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (64, N'd', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (65, N'did', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (66, N'didn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (67, N'do', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (68, N'does', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (69, N'doesn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (70, N'don''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (71, N'during', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (72, N'e', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (73, N'each', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (74, N'eg', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (75, N'eight', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (76, N'eighty', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (77, N'either', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (78, N'else', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (79, N'elsewhere', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (80, N'end', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (81, N'ending', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (82, N'enough', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (83, N'etc', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (84, N'even', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (85, N'ever', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (86, N'every', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (87, N'everyone', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (88, N'everything', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (89, N'everywhere', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (90, N'except', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (91, N'f', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (92, N'few', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (93, N'first', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (94, N'for', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (95, N'found', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (96, N'from', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (97, N'further', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (98, N'g', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (99, N'h', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (100, N'had', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (101, N'has', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (102, N'hasn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (103, N'have', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (104, N'haven''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (105, N'he', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (106, N'he''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (107, N'he''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (108, N'he''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (109, N'hence', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (110, N'her', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (111, N'here', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (112, N'here''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (113, N'hereafter', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (114, N'hereby', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (115, N'herein', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (116, N'hereupon', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (117, N'hers', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (118, N'herself', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (119, N'him', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (120, N'himself', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (121, N'his', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (122, N'how', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (123, N'however', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (124, N'hundred', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (125, N'i', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (126, N'i''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (127, N'i''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (128, N'i''m', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (129, N'i''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (130, N'ie', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (131, N'if', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (132, N'in', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (133, N'indeed', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (134, N'instead', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (135, N'into', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (136, N'is', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (137, N'isn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (138, N'it', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (139, N'it''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (140, N'its', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (141, N'itself', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (142, N'j', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (143, N'k', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (144, N'l', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (145, N'last', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (146, N'later', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (147, N'latter', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (148, N'latterly', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (149, N'least', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (150, N'less', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (151, N'let', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (152, N'let''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (153, N'like', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (154, N'likely', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (155, N'ltd', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (156, N'm', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (157, N'made', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (158, N'make', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (159, N'makes', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (160, N'many', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (161, N'maybe', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (162, N'me', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (163, N'meantime', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (164, N'meanwhile', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (165, N'might', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (166, N'miss', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (167, N'more', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (168, N'moreover', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (169, N'most', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (170, N'mostly', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (171, N'mr', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (172, N'mrs', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (173, N'much', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (174, N'must', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (175, N'my', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (176, N'myself', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (177, N'n', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (178, N'namely', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (179, N'near', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (180, N'neither', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (181, N'never', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (182, N'nevertheless', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (183, N'next', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (184, N'nine', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (185, N'ninety', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (186, N'no', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (187, N'not', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (188, N'nobody', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (189, N'none', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (190, N'nonetheless', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (191, N'noone', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (192, N'nor', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (193, N'nothing', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (194, N'now', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (195, N'nowhere', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (196, N'o', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (197, N'of', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (198, N'off', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (199, N'often', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (200, N'on', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (201, N'once', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (202, N'one', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (203, N'one''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (204, N'only', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (205, N'onto', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (206, N'or', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (207, N'other', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (208, N'others', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (209, N'otherwise', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (210, N'our', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (211, N'ours', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (212, N'ourselves', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (213, N'out', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (214, N'over', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (215, N'overall', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (216, N'own', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (217, N'p', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (218, N'per', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (219, N'perhaps', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (220, N'q', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (221, N'r', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (222, N'rather', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (223, N'recent', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (224, N'recently', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (225, N's', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (226, N'same', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (227, N'seem', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (228, N'seemed', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (229, N'seeming', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (230, N'seems', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (231, N'seven', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (232, N'several', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (233, N'she', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (234, N'she''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (235, N'she''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (236, N'she''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (237, N'should', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (238, N'shouldn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (239, N'since', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (240, N'so', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (241, N'some', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (242, N'somehow', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (243, N'someone', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (244, N'something', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (245, N'sometime', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (246, N'sometimes', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (247, N'somewhere', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (248, N'still', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (249, N'such', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (250, N't', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (251, N'taking', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (252, N'than', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (253, N'that', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (254, N'that''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (255, N'that''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (256, N'that''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (257, N'the', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (258, N'their', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (259, N'them', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (260, N'themselves', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (261, N'then', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (262, N'thence', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (263, N'there', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (264, N'there''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (265, N'there''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (266, N'there''re', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (267, N'there''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (268, N'there''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (269, N'thereafter', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (270, N'thereby', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (271, N'therefore', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (272, N'therein', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (273, N'thereupon', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (274, N'these', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (275, N'they', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (276, N'they''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (277, N'they''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (278, N'they''re', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (279, N'they''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (280, N'thirty', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (281, N'this', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (282, N'those', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (283, N'though', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (284, N'three', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (285, N'through', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (286, N'throughout', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (287, N'thru', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (288, N'thus', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (289, N'to', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (290, N'together', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (291, N'too', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (292, N'toward', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (293, N'towards', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (294, N'u', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (295, N'under', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (296, N'unless', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (297, N'unlike', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (298, N'unlikely', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (299, N'until', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (300, N'up', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (301, N'upon', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (302, N'us', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (303, N'used', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (304, N'using', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (305, N'v', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (306, N'very', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (307, N'via', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (308, N'w', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (309, N'was', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (310, N'wasn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (311, N'we', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (312, N'we''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (313, N'we''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (314, N'we''re', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (315, N'we''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (316, N'well', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (317, N'were', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (318, N'weren''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (319, N'what', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (320, N'what''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (321, N'what''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (322, N'what''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (323, N'whatever', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (324, N'when', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (325, N'whence', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (326, N'whenever', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (327, N'where', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (328, N'where''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (329, N'whereafter', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (330, N'whereas', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (331, N'whereby', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (332, N'wherein', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (333, N'whereupon', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (334, N'wherever', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (335, N'whether', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (336, N'which', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (337, N'while', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (338, N'whither', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (339, N'who', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (340, N'who''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (341, N'who''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (342, N'who''s', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (343, N'whoever', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (344, N'whole', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (345, N'whom', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (346, N'whomever', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (347, N'whose', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (348, N'why', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (349, N'will', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (350, N'with', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (351, N'within', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (352, N'without', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (353, N'won''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (354, N'would', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (355, N'wouldn''t', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (356, N'x', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (357, N'y', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (358, N'yes', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (359, N'yet', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (360, N'you', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (361, N'you''d', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (362, N'you''ll', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (363, N'you''re', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (364, N'you''ve', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (365, N'your', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (366, N'yours', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (367, N'yourself', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (368, N'yourselves', N'en-US')
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchCommonWords] ([CommonWordID], [CommonWord], [Locale]) VALUES (369, N'z', N'en-US')
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[SearchCommonWords] OFF
-- Operation applied to 369 rows out of 369
-- Add row to dbo.[SearchIndexer]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[SearchIndexer] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[SearchIndexer] ([SearchIndexerID], [SearchIndexerAssemblyQualifiedName]) VALUES (1, N'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer, dotnetnuke.search ')
-- Add rows to dbo.[EventLogConfig]
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (1, N'APPLICATION_START', NULL, 1, 10, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (2, N'APPLICATION_END', NULL, 1, 10, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (3, N'SCHEDULER_EXCEPTION', NULL, 1, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (4, N'GENERAL_EXCEPTION', NULL, 1, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (5, N'MODULE_LOAD_EXCEPTION', NULL, 1, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (6, N'PAGE_LOAD_EXCEPTION', NULL, 1, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (7, NULL, NULL, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (8, N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_STARTED', NULL, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (9, N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_PROGRESSING', NULL, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (10, N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_COMPLETED', NULL, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
INSERT INTO dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID], [LogTypeKey], [LogTypePortalID], [LoggingIsActive], [KeepMostRecent], [EmailNotificationIsActive], [NotificationThreshold], [NotificationThresholdTime], [NotificationThresholdTimeType], [MailFromAddress], [MailToAddress]) VALUES (11, N'SCHEDULER_EVENT_FAILURE', NULL, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, N'', N'')
-- Operation applied to 11 rows out of 11
-- Add rows to dbo.[DesktopModules]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[DesktopModules] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (10, N'Security Roles', N'Administrators can manage the security roles defined for their portal. The module allows you to add new security roles, modify existing security roles, delete security roles, and manage the users assigned to security roles.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Security Roles', N'Security Roles', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (11, N'Tabs', N'Administrators can manage the Tabs within the portal. This module allows you to create a new tab, modify an existing tab, delete tabs, change the tab order, and change the hierarchical tab level.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Tabs', N'Tabs', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (12, N'Site Settings', N'The Site Settings module represents the local options for your portal. Local settings allow you to customize your portal to meet your business requirements.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Site Settings', N'Site Settings', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (13, N'User Accounts', N'Administrators can manage their registered users. This module allows you to add new users, modify existing users, delete users, and manage the security roles for users.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'User Accounts', N'User Accounts', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (14, N'Vendors', N'Administrators can manage the Vendors and Banners associated to the portal. This module allows you to add a new vendor, modify an existing vendor, and delete a vendor.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Vendors', N'Vendors', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (15, N'Banners', N'Banner advertising is managed through the Vendors module in the Admin tab. You can select the number of banners to display as well as the banner type.', N'01.00.00', 0, 0, NULL, N'Banners', N'Banners', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (16, N'File Manager', N'Administrators can manage the files stored in their upload directory. This module allows you to upload new files, download files, delete files, and synchronize your upload directory. It also provides information on the amount of disk space used and available.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'File Manager', N'File Manager', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (18, N'Site Log', N'Administrators can view the details of visitors using their portal. There are a variety of reports available to display information regarding site usage, membership, and volumes.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Site Log', N'Site Log', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (19, N'Bulk Email', N'Administrators can send bulk email to all users belonging to a particular Role.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Bulk Email', N'Bulk Email', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (22, N'Portals', N'The Super User can manage the various parent and child Portals within the site. This module allows you to add a new portal, modify an existing portal, and delete a portal.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Portals', N'Portals', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (23, N'Module Definitions', N'The Super User can manage the Desktop Modules installed on the system.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Module Definitions', N'Module Definitions', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (24, N'SQL', N'The Super User can execute SQL statements against the database.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'SQL', N'SQL', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (30, N'Host Settings', N'The Super User can manage the configuration settings which apply to the entire site.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Host Settings', N'Host Settings', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (32, N'Account Login', N'Allows users to login to the portal.', N'01.00.00', 0, 0, NULL, N'Account Login', N'Account Login', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (33, N'User Account', N'Allows users to register and manage their account.', N'01.00.00', 0, 0, NULL, N'User Account', N'User Account', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (34, N'Recycle Bin', N'The Recycle Bin provides an interface for restoring or permanently deleting Tabs and Modules.', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Recycle Bin', N'Recycle Bin', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (36, N'Module Definition Validator', N'The Module Definition Validator provides an interface for validating Module Definition files (.dnn) during PA development', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, N'Module Definition Validator', N'Module Definition Validator', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (37, N'Log Viewer', N'Allows you to view log entries for portal events.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Log Viewer', N'Log Viewer', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (38, N'Schedule', N'Allows you to schedule tasks to be run at specified intervals.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Schedule', N'Schedule', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (39, N'Skins', N'Allows you to manage your skins and containers.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Skins', N'Skins', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (41, N'Languages', N'The Super User can manage the suported languages installed on the system.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Languages', N'Languages', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (43, N'Search Admin', N'The Search Admininstrator provides the ability to manage search settings.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Search Admin', N'Search Admin', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (44, N'Search Input', N'The Search Input module provides the ability to submit a search to a given search results module.', N'01.00.00', 0, 0, N'', N'Search Input', N'Search Input', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (45, N'Search Results', N'The Search Reasults module provides the ability to display search results.', N'01.00.00', 0, 0, N'', N'Search Results', N'Search Results', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (46, N'Site Wizard', N'The Administrator can use this user-friendly wizard to set up the common features of the Portal/Site.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Site Wizard', N'Site Wizard', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (47, N'Portal Aliases', N'Allows you to view portal aliases.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Portal Aliases', N'Portal Aliases', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (48, N'Lists', N'Allows you to edit common lists.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Lists', N'Lists', 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID], [FriendlyName], [Description], [Version], [IsPremium], [IsAdmin], [BusinessControllerClass], [FolderName], [ModuleName], [SupportedFeatures], [CompatibleVersions]) VALUES (49, N'Windows Authentication', N'Allows you to manage authentication settings for sites using Windows Authentication.', NULL, 0, 1, N'', N'Windows Authentication', N'Windows Authentication', 0, NULL)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[DesktopModules] OFF
-- Operation applied to 28 rows out of 32
-- Add rows to dbo.[Lists]
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AD', N'Andorra', 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AE', N'United Arab Emirates', 0, 2, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AF', N'Afghanistan', 0, 3, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AG', N'Antigua and Barbuda', 0, 4, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AI', N'Anguilla', 0, 5, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AL', N'Albania', 0, 6, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AM', N'Armenia', 0, 7, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AN', N'Netherlands Antilles', 0, 8, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AO', N'Angola', 0, 9, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AQ', N'Antarctica', 0, 10, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AR', N'Argentina', 0, 11, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AS', N'American Samoa', 0, 12, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AT', N'Austria', 0, 13, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AU', N'Australia', 0, 14, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AW', N'Aruba', 0, 15, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'AZ', N'Azerbaijan', 0, 16, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BA', N'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 0, 17, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BB', N'Barbados', 0, 18, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BD', N'Bangladesh', 0, 19, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BE', N'Belgium', 0, 20, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BF', N'Burkina Faso', 0, 21, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BG', N'Bulgaria', 0, 22, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BH', N'Bahrain', 0, 23, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BI', N'Burundi', 0, 24, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BJ', N'Benin', 0, 25, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BM', N'Bermuda', 0, 26, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BN', N'Brunei Darussalam', 0, 27, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BO', N'Bolivia', 0, 28, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BR', N'Brazil', 0, 29, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BS', N'Bahamas', 0, 30, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BT', N'Bhutan', 0, 31, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BV', N'Bouvet Island', 0, 32, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BW', N'Botswana', 0, 33, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BY', N'Belarus', 0, 34, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'BZ', N'Belize', 0, 35, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CA', N'Canada', 0, 36, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CC', N'Cocos', 0, 37, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CF', N'Central African Republic', 0, 38, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CG', N'Congo', 0, 39, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CH', N'Switzerland', 0, 40, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CI', N'Ivory Coast', 0, 41, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CK', N'Cook Islands', 0, 42, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CL', N'Chile', 0, 43, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CM', N'Cameroon', 0, 44, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CN', N'China', 0, 45, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CO', N'Colombia', 0, 46, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CR', N'Costa Rica', 0, 47, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CU', N'Cuba', 0, 48, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CV', N'Cape Verde', 0, 49, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CX', N'Christmas Island', 0, 50, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CY', N'Cyprus', 0, 51, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'CZ', N'Czech Republic', 0, 52, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'DE', N'Germany', 0, 53, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'DJ', N'Djibouti', 0, 54, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'DK', N'Denmark', 0, 55, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'DM', N'Dominica', 0, 56, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'DO', N'Dominican Republic', 0, 57, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'DZ', N'Algeria', 0, 58, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'EC', N'Ecuador', 0, 59, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'EE', N'Estonia', 0, 60, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'EG', N'Egypt', 0, 61, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'EH', N'Western Sahara', 0, 62, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'ER', N'Eritrea', 0, 63, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'ES', N'Spain', 0, 64, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'ET', N'Ethiopia', 0, 65, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'FI', N'Finland', 0, 66, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'FJ', N'Fiji', 0, 67, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'FK', N'Falkland Islands', 0, 68, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'FM', N'Micronesia', 0, 69, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'FO', N'Faroe Islands', 0, 70, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'FR', N'France', 0, 71, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GA', N'Gabon', 0, 72, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GD', N'Grenada', 0, 73, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GE', N'Georgia', 0, 74, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GF', N'French Guiana', 0, 75, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GH', N'Ghana', 0, 76, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GI', N'Gibraltar', 0, 77, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GL', N'Greenland', 0, 78, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GM', N'Gambia', 0, 79, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GN', N'Guinea', 0, 80, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GP', N'Guadeloupe', 0, 81, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GQ', N'Equatorial Guinea', 0, 82, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GR', N'Greece', 0, 83, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GS', N'S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Islands', 0, 84, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GT', N'Guatemala', 0, 85, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GU', N'Guam', 0, 86, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GW', N'Guinea-Bissau', 0, 87, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'GY', N'Guyana', 0, 88, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'HK', N'Hong Kong', 0, 89, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'HM', N'Heard and McDonald Islands', 0, 90, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'MZ', N'Mozambique', 0, 149, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'TG', N'Togo', 0, 204, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'TJ', N'Tajikistan', 0, 206, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'UZ', N'Uzbekistan', 0, 223, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'VC', N'Saint Vincent and The Grenadines', 0, 224, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'VI', N'US Virgin Islands', 0, 227, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'VU', N'Vanuatu', 0, 229, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'WS', N'Samoa', 0, 231, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'YU', N'Yugoslavia', 0, 234, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Country', N'ZW', N'Zimbabwe', 0, 238, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Frequency', N'M', N'Month(s)', 0, 309, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Frequency', N'N', N'None', 0, 310, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Frequency', N'O', N'One-time Fee', 0, 311, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Frequency', N'W', N'Week(s)', 0, 312, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Frequency', N'Y', N'Year(s)', 0, 313, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Authorize.net', N'http://www.authorize.net', 0, 314, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Authorize.net 3.1 with eCHECK', N'http://www.authorize.net', 0, 315, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Cybercash', N'http://www.cybercash.com', 0, 316, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Ecx', N'http://www.ecx.com', 0, 317, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'ePoch', N'http://www.ePochsystems.com', 0, 318, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'eProcessing', N'http://www.eprocessingnetwork.com', 0, 319, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'iBill', N'http://www.ibill.com', 0, 320, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Intellipay', N'http://www.intellipay.com', 0, 321, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'ioNgate', N'http://www.iongate.com', 0, 322, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Itransact', N'http://www.itransact.com', 0, 323, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'LinkPoint', N'http://www.linkpoint.com', 0, 324, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'Mcps', N'http://www.merchantcommerce.net', 0, 325, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'NetBilling', N'http://www.netbilling.com', 0, 326, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'PayCom', N'http://www.paycom.net', 0, 327, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'PayflowLink', N'http://www.verisign.com', 0, 328, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'PayflowPro', N'http://www.verisign.com', 0, 329, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'PayPal', N'http://www.paypal.com', 0, 330, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'PayReady', N'http://www.PayReady.net', 0, 331, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'PlanetPayment', N'http://www.planetpayment.com', 0, 332, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'SkipJack', N'http://www.skipjack.com', 0, 334, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Processor', N'viaKLIX (Nova)', N'http://www.novainfo.com', 0, 335, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'AK', N'Alaska', 221, 252, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'AL', N'Alabama', 221, 253, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'BC', N'British Columbia', 36, 240, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'CA', N'California', 221, 256, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'CT', N'Connecticut', 221, 258, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'DC', N'District of Columbia', 221, 259, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
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INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'GA', N'Georgia', 221, 262, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'HI', N'Hawaii', 221, 263, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'IA', N'Iowa', 221, 264, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'ID', N'Idaho', 221, 265, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'IL', N'Illinois', 221, 266, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'IN', N'Indiana', 221, 267, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'KS', N'Kansas', 221, 268, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'KY', N'Kentucky', 221, 269, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'LA', N'Louisiana', 221, 270, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MA', N'Massachusetts', 221, 271, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MB', N'Manitoba', 36, 241, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MD', N'Maryland', 221, 272, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'ME', N'Maine', 221, 273, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MI', N'Michigan', 221, 274, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MN', N'Minnesota', 221, 275, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MO', N'Missouri', 221, 276, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MS', N'Mississippi', 221, 277, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'MT', N'Montana', 221, 278, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NB', N'New Brunswick', 36, 242, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NC', N'North Carolina', 221, 279, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'ND', N'North Dakota', 221, 280, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NE', N'Nebraska', 221, 281, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NH', N'New Hampshire', 221, 282, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NJ', N'New Jersey', 221, 283, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NL', N'Newfoundland and Labrador', 36, 243, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NM', N'New Mexico', 221, 284, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NS', N'Nova Scotia', 36, 244, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NT', N'Northwest Territories', 36, 245, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NV', N'Nevada', 221, 285, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NV', N'Nunavut', 36, 246, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'NY', N'New York', 221, 286, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'OH', N'Ohio', 221, 287, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'OK', N'Oklahoma', 221, 288, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'ON', N'Ontario', 36, 247, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'OR', N'Oregon', 221, 289, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'PA', N'Pennsylvania', 221, 290, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'PE', N'Prince Edward Island', 36, 248, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'QC', N'Quebec', 36, 249, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'RI', N'Rhode Island', 221, 291, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'SC', N'South Carolina', 221, 292, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'SD', N'South Dakota', 221, 293, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'SK', N'Saskatchewan', 36, 250, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'TN', N'Tennessee', 221, 294, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'TX', N'Texas', 221, 295, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'UT', N'Utah', 221, 296, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'VA', N'Virginia', 221, 297, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'VT', N'Vermont', 221, 298, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'WA', N'Washington', 221, 299, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'WI', N'Wisconsin', 221, 300, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'WV', N'West Virginia', 221, 301, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'WY', N'Wyoming', 221, 302, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Region', N'YT', N'Yukon Territory', 36, 251, 1, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'1', N'Page Views By Day', 0, 336, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'10', N'User Registrations By Date', 0, 345, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'11', N'User Registrations By Country', 0, 346, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'12', N'Affiliate Referrals', 0, 347, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'2', N'Detailed Site Log', 0, 337, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'3', N'User Frequency', 0, 338, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'4', N'Site Referrals', 0, 339, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'5', N'User Agents', 0, 340, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'6', N'Page Views By Hour', 0, 341, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'7', N'Page Views By Day Of Week', 0, 342, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'8', N'Page Views By Month', 0, 343, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Lists] ([ListName], [Value], [Text], [ParentID], [EntryID], [Level], [SortOrder], [DefinitionID], [Description]) VALUES (N'Site Log Reports', N'9', N'Page Popularity', 0, 344, 0, 0, -1, NULL)
-- Operation applied to 358 rows out of 358
-- Add rows to dbo.[ModuleControls]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[ModuleControls] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (19, 12, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Security/Roles.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (20, 12, N'Edit', N'Edit Security Roles', N'Admin/Security/EditRoles.ascx', N'icon_securityroles_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (21, 13, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Tabs/Tabs.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (22, 13, N'Edit', N'Edit Tabs', N'Admin/Tabs/ManageTabs.ascx', N'icon_tabs_34px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (23, 14, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Portal/SiteSettings.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (24, 15, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Users/Users.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (25, 15, N'Edit', N'Edit User Accounts', N'Admin/Users/ManageUsers.ascx', N'icon_users_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (26, 19, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Vendors/Vendors.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (27, 19, N'Edit', N'Edit Vendors', N'Admin/Vendors/EditVendors.ascx', N'icon_vendors_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (28, 20, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Vendors/DisplayBanners.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (29, 20, N'Edit', N'Edit Banners', N'Admin/Vendors/BannerOptions.ascx', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (30, 21, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Files/FileManager.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (31, 21, N'Edit', N'File Upload', N'Admin/Files/WebUpload.ascx', N'icon_filemanager_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (34, 27, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Log/SiteLog.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (35, 28, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Users/BulkEmail.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (41, 19, N'Banner', N'Banner', N'Admin/Vendors/EditBanner.ascx', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (42, NULL, N'User Roles', N'User Roles', N'Admin/Security/SecurityRoles.ascx', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (43, NULL, N'Module', N'Module', N'Admin/Modules/ModuleSettings.ascx', N'icon_moduledefinitions_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (44, NULL, N'Access Denied', N'Access Denied', N'Admin/Security/AccessDenied.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (46, NULL, N'Register', N'Register', N'Admin/Users/ManageUsers.ascx', N'icon_users_32px.gif', -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (48, NULL, N'Purchase', N'Purchase', N'Admin/Sales/Purchase.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (49, NULL, N'Privacy', N'Privacy Statement', N'Admin/Portal/Privacy.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (50, NULL, N'Terms', N'Terms Of Use', N'Admin/Portal/Terms.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (51, 63, N'Signup', N'Signup', N'Admin/Portal/Signup.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (52, 63, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Portal/Portals.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (53, 63, N'Edit', N'Edit Portals', N'Admin/Portal/SiteSettings.ascx', N'icon_portals_40px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (54, 64, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/ModuleDefinitions/ModuleDefinitions.ascx', NULL, 3, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (55, 64, N'Edit', N'Edit Module Definitions', N'Admin/ModuleDefinitions/EditModuleDefinition.ascx', N'icon_moduledefinitions_32px.gif', 3, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (56, 65, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Portal/SQL.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (67, 72, NULL, NULL, N'admin/Host/HostSettings.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (70, NULL, N'Tab', N'Tab Management', N'Admin/Tabs/ManageTabs.ascx', N'icon_tabs_34px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (71, 74, NULL, N'Account Login', N'Admin/Security/Signin.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (72, NULL, N'Login', N'Account Login', N'Admin/Security/Signin.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (73, 75, NULL, N'User Account', N'Admin/Users/ManageUsers.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (74, 64, N'Control', N'Edit Module Control', N'Admin/ModuleDefinitions/EditModuleControl.ascx', NULL, 3, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (77, NULL, N'File Manager', N'File Upload', N'Admin/Files/WebUpload.ascx', N'icon_filemanager_32px.gif', -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (78, NULL, N'View Vendor', N'View Vendor', N'Admin/Vendors/EditVendors.ascx', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (81, 76, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Tabs/RecycleBin.ascx', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (83, 78, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/ModuleDefinitions/ModuleDefValidator.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (86, 19, N'Affiliate', N'Affiliate Management', N'Admin/Vendors/EditAffiliate.ascx', NULL, 2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (87, NULL, N'MENU', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/SolPartMenu.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (88, NULL, N'LOGIN', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Login.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (89, NULL, N'BANNER', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Banner.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (90, NULL, N'BREADCRUMB', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/BreadCrumb.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (91, NULL, N'COPYRIGHT', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Copyright.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (92, NULL, N'CURRENTDATE', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/CurrentDate.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (93, NULL, N'DOTNETNUKE', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/DotNetNuke.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (94, NULL, N'HELP', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Help.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (95, NULL, N'HOSTNAME', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/HostName.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (96, NULL, N'LINKS', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Links.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (97, NULL, N'LOGO', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Logo.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (98, NULL, N'PRIVACY', N'Privacy Statement', N'Admin/Skins/Privacy.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (99, NULL, N'SIGNIN', NULL, N'Admin/Security/Signin.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (100, NULL, N'TERMS', N'Terms Of Use', N'Admin/Skins/Terms.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (101, NULL, N'USER', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/User.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (102, NULL, N'ACTIONS', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/SolPartActions.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (103, NULL, N'ICON', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/Icon.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (104, NULL, N'TITLE', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/Title.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (105, NULL, N'VISIBILITY', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/Visibility.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (106, NULL, N'PRINTMODULE', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/PrintModule.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (107, NULL, N'SOLPARTACTIONS', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/SolPartActions.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (108, NULL, N'DROPDOWNACTIONS', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/DropDownActions.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (109, NULL, N'LINKACTIONS', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/LinkActions.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (110, NULL, N'SOLPARTMENU', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/SolPartMenu.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (111, NULL, N'ACTIONBUTTON', NULL, N'Admin/Containers/ActionButton.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (112, NULL, N'Help', N'Module Help', N'controls/Help.ascx', N'icon_help_32px.gif', 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (113, NULL, N'CONTROLPANEL:CLASSIC', NULL, N'Admin/ControlPanel/Classic.ascx', NULL, -3, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (114, NULL, N'CONTROLPANEL:ICONBAR', NULL, N'Admin/ControlPanel/IconBar.ascx', NULL, -3, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (115, NULL, N'ImportModule', N'Import Module', N'Admin/Modules/Import.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (116, NULL, N'ExportModule', N'Export Module', N'Admin/Modules/Export.ascx', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (117, 79, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Logging/LogViewer.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (118, 79, N'Edit', N'Edit Log Settings', N'Admin/Logging/EditLogTypes.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (119, 80, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Scheduling/ViewSchedule.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (120, 80, N'Edit', N'Edit Schedule', N'Admin/Scheduling/EditSchedule.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (121, 80, N'History', N'Schedule History', N'Admin/Scheduling/ViewScheduleHistory.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (122, 80, N'Status', N'Schedule Status', N'Admin/Scheduling/ViewScheduleStatus.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (123, 81, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Skins/EditSkins.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (124, 63, N'Template', N'Export Template', N'Admin/Portal/Template.ascx', NULL, 3, 1, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (125, 83, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Localization/Languages.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (126, 83, N'TimeZone', N'TimeZone Editor', N'Admin/Localization/TimeZoneEditor.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (127, 83, N'Language', N'Language Editor', N'Admin/Localization/LanguageEditor.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (128, 83, N'FullEditor', N'Language Editor', N'Admin/Localization/LanguageEditorExt.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (129, 83, N'Verify', N'Resource File Verifier', N'Admin/Localization/ResourceVerifier.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (130, 83, N'Package', N'Create Language Pack', N'Admin/Localization/LanguagePack.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (133, 85, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Search/SearchAdmin.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (134, 86, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Search/SearchInput.ascx', NULL, -1, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (135, 86, N'Settings', N'Search Input Settings', N'Admin/Search/InputSettings.ascx', NULL, 1, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (136, 87, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Search/SearchResults.ascx', NULL, -1, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (137, 87, N'Settings', N'Search Results Settings', N'Admin/Search/ResultsSettings.ascx', NULL, 1, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (138, 88, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Portal/Sitewizard.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (139, 89, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Portal/PortalAlias.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (140, 89, N'Edit', N'Portal Aliases', N'Admin/Portal/EditPortalAlias.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (141, 90, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Lists/ListEditor.ascx', NULL, 3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (142, NULL, N'TREEVIEW', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/TreeViewMenu.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (143, NULL, N'SEARCH', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Search.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (144, 64, N'Package', N'Create Private Assembly', N'Admin/ModuleDefinitions/PrivateAssembly.ascx', N'icon_moduledefinitions_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (145, NULL, N'LANGUAGE', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Language.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (146, NULL, N'NAV', NULL, N'Admin/Skins/Nav.ascx', NULL, -2, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (147, 91, NULL, NULL, N'Admin/Security/AuthenticationSettings.ascx', NULL, 2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (148, 12, N'EditGroup', N'Edit Role Groups', N'Admin/Security/EditGroups.ascx', N'icon_securityroles_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (149, 12, N'UserSettings', N'Manage User Settings', N'Admin/Users/UserSettings.ascx', N'~/images/settings.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (150, 15, N'ManageProfile', N'Manage Profile Definition', N'Admin/Users/ProfileDefinitions.ascx', N'icon_users_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (151, 15, N'EditProfileProperty', N'Edit Profile Property Definition', N'Admin/Users/EditProfileDefinition.ascx', N'icon_users_32px.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (152, 15, N'UserSettings', N'Manage User Settings', N'Admin/Users/UserSettings.ascx', N'~/images/settings.gif', 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (153, NULL, N'Profile', N'Profile', N'Admin/Users/ManageUsers.ascx', N'icon_users_32px.gif', -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (154, NULL, N'SendPassword', N'Send Password', N'Admin/Security/SendPassword.ascx', NULL, -1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleControls] ([ModuleControlID], [ModuleDefID], [ControlKey], [ControlTitle], [ControlSrc], [IconFile], [ControlType], [ViewOrder], [HelpUrl]) VALUES (155, NULL, N'ViewProfile', N'View Profile', N'Admin/Users/ViewProfile.ascx', N'icon_users_32px.gif', -1, NULL, NULL)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[ModuleControls] OFF
-- Operation applied to 107 rows out of 118
-- Add rows to dbo.[ModuleDefinitions]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (12, N'Security Roles', 10, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (13, N'Tabs', 11, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (14, N'Site Settings', 12, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (15, N'User Accounts', 13, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (19, N'Vendors', 14, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (20, N'Banners', 15, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (21, N'File Manager', 16, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (27, N'Site Log', 18, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (28, N'Bulk Email', 19, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (63, N'Portals', 22, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (64, N'Module Definitions', 23, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (65, N'SQL', 24, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (72, N'Host Settings', 30, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (74, N'Account Login', 32, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (75, N'User Account', 33, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (76, N'Recycle Bin', 34, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (78, N'Module Definition Validator', 36, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (79, N'Log Viewer', 37, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (80, N'Schedule', 38, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (81, N'Skins', 39, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (83, N'Languages', 41, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (85, N'Search Admin', 43, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (86, N'Search Input', 44, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (87, N'Search Results', 45, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (88, N'Site Wizard', 46, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (89, N'Portal Aliases', 47, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (90, N'Lists', 48, 0)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID], [FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID], [DefaultCacheTime]) VALUES (91, N'Windows Authentication', 49, 0)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] OFF
-- Operation applied to 28 rows out of 32
-- Add rows to dbo.[Modules]
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (321, 63, N'Portals', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (322, 64, N'Module Definitions', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (323, 21, N'File Manager', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (324, 19, N'Vendors', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (325, 65, N'SQL', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (327, 72, N'Host Settings', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (330, 78, N'Module Definition Validator', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (332, 80, N'Schedule', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (335, 83, N'Languages', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (337, 85, N'Search Admin', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (342, 90, N'Lists', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (343, 15, N'Superuser Accounts', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Modules] ([ModuleID], [ModuleDefID], [ModuleTitle], [AllTabs], [IsDeleted], [InheritViewPermissions], [Header], [Footer], [StartDate], [EndDate], [PortalID]) VALUES (344, 81, N'Skins', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
-- Operation applied to 13 rows out of 36
-- Add rows to dbo.[TabModules]
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (12, 17, 321, N'ContentPane', 3, 0, NULL, N'', N'', N'icon_portals_40px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (13, 18, 322, N'ContentPane', 5, 0, NULL, N'', N'', N'icon_moduledefinitions_32px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (14, 19, 323, N'ContentPane', 7, 0, NULL, N'', N'', N'icon_filemanager_32px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (15, 20, 324, N'ContentPane', 9, 0, NULL, N'', N'', N'icon_vendors_32px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (16, 21, 325, N'ContentPane', 11, 0, NULL, N'', N'', N'icon_sql_32px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (17, 16, 327, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, N'', N'', N'icon_hostsettings_36px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (19, 18, 330, N'ContentPane', 7, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (21, 25, 332, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'icon_scheduler_16px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (24, 27, 335, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'icon_language_16px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (26, 29, 337, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'icon_search_16px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (31, 33, 342, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'icon_lists_16px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (32, 34, 343, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'icon_users_32px.gif', 0, NULL, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabModules] ([TabModuleID], [TabID], [ModuleID], [PaneName], [ModuleOrder], [CacheTime], [Alignment], [Color], [Border], [IconFile], [Visibility], [ContainerSrc], [DisplayTitle], [DisplayPrint], [DisplaySyndicate]) VALUES (33, 35, 344, N'ContentPane', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0)
-- Operation applied to 13 rows out of 36
-- Add rows to dbo.[TabPermission]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[TabPermission] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (4, 7, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (5, 16, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (6, 17, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (7, 18, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (8, 19, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (9, 20, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (10, 21, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (22, 25, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (24, 27, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (26, 29, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (32, 33, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (33, 34, 3, -2, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[TabPermission] ([TabPermissionID], [TabID], [PermissionID], [RoleID], [AllowAccess]) VALUES (34, 35, 3, -2, 1)
-- Operation applied to 13 rows out of 34
-- Add rows to dbo.[Tabs]
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (7, 1, NULL, N'Host', 1, NULL, 0, N'', 1, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (16, 1, NULL, N'Host Settings', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_hostsettings_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Host Settings', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (17, 3, NULL, N'Portals', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_portals_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Portals', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (18, 5, NULL, N'Module Definitions', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_moduledefinitions_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Module Definitions', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (19, 7, NULL, N'File Manager', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_filemanager_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//File Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (20, 9, NULL, N'Vendors', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_vendors_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Vendors', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (21, 11, NULL, N'SQL', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_sql_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//SQL', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (25, 13, NULL, N'Schedule', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_scheduler_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Schedule', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (27, 15, NULL, N'Languages', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_language_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Languages', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (29, 17, NULL, N'Search Admin', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_search_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Search Admin', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (33, 19, NULL, N'Lists', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_lists_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Lists', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (34, 21, NULL, N'Superuser Accounts', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_users_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Superuser Accounts', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.[Tabs] ([TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [ParentId], [Level], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [IsDeleted], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [TabPath], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText]) VALUES (35, 23, NULL, N'Skins', 1, 7, 1, N'icon_skins_16px.gif', 0, N'', N'', N'', 0, N'', NULL, NULL, N'//Host//Skins', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
-- Operation applied to 13 rows out of 30
-- Add rows to dbo.[ModuleSettings]
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_Address', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_Authorized', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_CreatedDate', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_DisplayName', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_Email', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_FirstName', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_LastLogin', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_LastName', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Column_Telephone', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Display_Mode', N'2')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Display_SuppressPager', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Profile_DefaultVisibility', N'2')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Profile_DisplayVisibility', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Profile_ManageServices', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Records_PerPage', N'10')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Redirect_AfterLogin', N'-1')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Redirect_AfterLogout', N'-1')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Redirect_AfterRegistration', N'-1')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Security_CaptchaLogin', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Security_CaptchaRegister', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Security_RequireValidProfile', N'False')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Security_RequireValidProfileAtLogin', N'True')
INSERT INTO dbo.[ModuleSettings] ([ModuleID], [SettingName], [SettingValue]) VALUES (343, N'Security_UsersControl', N'0')
-- Operation applied to 23 rows out of 46
-- Add rows to dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ON
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (1, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Name', N'Prefix', 50, 0, N'', 1, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (2, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Name', N'FirstName', 50, 0, N'', 3, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (3, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Name', N'MiddleName', 50, 0, N'', 5, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (4, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Name', N'LastName', 50, 0, N'', 7, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (5, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Name', N'Suffix', 50, 0, N'', 9, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (6, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Address', N'Unit', 50, 0, N'', 11, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (7, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Address', N'Street', 50, 0, N'', 13, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (8, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Address', N'City', 50, 0, N'', 15, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (9, NULL, -1, 0, 357, N'', N'Address', N'Region', 0, 0, N'', 17, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (10, NULL, -1, 0, 356, N'', N'Address', N'Country', 0, 0, N'', 19, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (11, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Address', N'PostalCode', 50, 0, N'', 21, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (12, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Contact Info', N'Telephone', 50, 0, N'', 23, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (13, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Contact Info', N'Cell', 50, 0, N'', 25, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (14, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Contact Info', N'Fax', 50, 0, N'', 27, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (15, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Contact Info', N'Website', 50, 0, N'', 29, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (16, NULL, -1, 0, 349, N'', N'Contact Info', N'IM', 50, 0, N'', 31, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (17, NULL, -1, 0, 355, N'', N'Preferences', N'Biography', 0, 0, N'', 33, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (18, NULL, -1, 0, 352, N'', N'Preferences', N'TimeZone', 0, 0, N'', 35, 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ([PropertyDefinitionID], [PortalID], [ModuleDefID], [Deleted], [DataType], [DefaultValue], [PropertyCategory], [PropertyName], [Length], [Required], [ValidationExpression], [ViewOrder], [Visible]) VALUES (19, NULL, -1, 0, 353, N'', N'Preferences', N'PreferredLocale', 0, 0, N'', 37, 1)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] OFF
-- Operation applied to 19 rows out of 38
-- Add constraints to dbo.[Tabs]
-- Add constraints to dbo.[TabPermission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[TabPermission] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_TabPermission_Permission] FOREIGN KEY ([PermissionID]) REFERENCES dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
-- Add constraints to dbo.[TabModules]
-- Add constraints to dbo.[Modules]
-- Add constraints to dbo.[ModuleDefinitions]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ModuleDefinitions_DesktopModules] FOREIGN KEY ([DesktopModuleID]) REFERENCES dbo.[DesktopModules] ([DesktopModuleID]) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT FOR REPLICATION
-- Add constraints to dbo.[ModuleControls]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModuleControls] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ModuleControls_ModuleDefinitions] FOREIGN KEY ([ModuleDefID]) REFERENCES dbo.[ModuleDefinitions] ([ModuleDefID]) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT FOR REPLICATION
-- Add constraints to dbo.[EventLogConfig]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLogConfig] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLogConfig_EventLogTypes] FOREIGN KEY ([LogTypeKey]) REFERENCES dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey])
-- Add constraint FK_EventLog_EventLogConfig to dbo.[EventLog]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLog] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLog_EventLogConfig] FOREIGN KEY ([LogConfigID]) REFERENCES dbo.[EventLogConfig] ([ID])
-- Add constraint FK_ScheduleHistory_Schedule to dbo.[ScheduleHistory]
-- Add constraint FK_ScheduleItemSettings_Schedule to dbo.[ScheduleItemSettings]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ScheduleItemSettings] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ScheduleItemSettings_Schedule] FOREIGN KEY ([ScheduleID]) REFERENCES dbo.[Schedule] ([ScheduleID]) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT FOR REPLICATION
-- Add constraint FK_FolderPermission_Permission to dbo.[FolderPermission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[FolderPermission] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FolderPermission_Permission] FOREIGN KEY ([PermissionID]) REFERENCES dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
-- Add constraint FK_ModulePermission_Permission to dbo.[ModulePermission]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ModulePermission] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ModulePermission_Permission] FOREIGN KEY ([PermissionID]) REFERENCES dbo.[Permission] ([PermissionID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
-- Add constraint FK_EventLog_EventLogTypes to dbo.[EventLog]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[EventLog] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EventLog_EventLogTypes] FOREIGN KEY ([LogTypeKey]) REFERENCES dbo.[EventLogTypes] ([LogTypeKey])
-- Add constraints to dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition]
ALTER TABLE dbo.[ProfilePropertyDefinition] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ProfilePropertyDefinition_Portals] FOREIGN KEY ([PortalID]) REFERENCES dbo.[Portals] ([PortalID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
-- Add constraints to dbo.[ModuleSettings]