I'm about to pull my hair out over this error.
In my sqlDataProvider file, I have this functiuon:
Public Overrides Function GetSunsetHill_MetaState_FileUploadForStudentTranscript(ByVal StudentGUIDCH As String) As IDataReader
Dim strReturn As String = GetFullyQualifiedName("SunsetHill_MetaState_FileUploadGetForStudentTranscript")
Return CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, GetFullyQualifiedName("SunsetHill_MetaState_FileUploadGetForStudentTranscript"), StudentGUIDCH), IDataReader)
End Function
I put in the line:
Dim strReturn As String = GetFullyQualifiedName("SunsetHill_MetaState_FileUploadGetForStudentTranscript")
I To make sure that the fully qualified name was being returned - and it is.
Yet, when this line executes, I get an error
Return CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, GetFullyQualifiedName("SunsetHill_MetaState_FileUploadGetForStudentTranscript"), StudentGUIDCH), IDataReader)
Tne error is
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException = {"Invalid object name 'dbo.SunsetHill_MetaState_TranscriptFileUpload'."}
I have no idea why the code is trying to execute the stored procedure dbo.SunsetHill_MetaState_TranscriptFileUpload - which does not exist. It should be executing dbo.SunsetHill_MetaState_FileUploadGetForStudentTranscript
Has anyone seen this weird behaviour? It's driving me nuts trying to figure out the problem...