Hi Rob,
Thank youf or your advice. I will probably need both but yes, ZLDNN's "Module Wrapper" is what I need first of all.
<<<You will also be looking at revising the site's template/skin if you need more content panes on all pages.. i.e. in the header and footer.>>>
Yes, do you have a quick tip/link to docs to read through on how the following layout should be implemented - I'm not sure here how to place custom elements over standard DNN menu - is that a usual DNN skin (re-)design practice? My customer currently requested:
on top of standard DNN menu:
- (1) left - logo - standard DNN design;
- (2) center - "tumb-nails" slide show (custom module);
- (3) right-top - change language (DNN standard);
- (4) right-middle-bottom - login form/login status (DNN standard or XMod custom form);
to the right of standard DNN menu:
- (5) defauilt currency selection combobox (XMod custom form)
Does placing of (2),(3),(4) and (5) can be done by (re-)designing skin?
Or I should just minimize header and footer areas and using ZLDNN's "Module Wrapper" put (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) on their requested positions?
Can I "manipulate position" of standard DNN menu and put it in between of my custom elements? (with standard DNN logo being also my custom HTML element of course)
Sorry for that much questions but actually I need just one short answer/link to docs where techniques on making non-standard DNN sites layouts are described.
Too little time here and I have to give definitive answer could the requested by customer layout design be done using standard DNN features plus a few custom/commercial modules/skins.
Thank you.