www.berrydigital.com.au Joined: 1/23/2004
Posts: 1961
Could I also add a comment that goes back to security issues a while ago in the Plesk control panel that allowed access to renaming the index.html or default.htm/l file in the root directory -and it seems that this is the case in this site since, with IIS - its configuration sets usually in the following order -
index.htm, index.html, default.htm, default.html, default.asp and then last, default.aspx -which means that in this instance, index.htm, default.htm and default.asp have been put into the root directory, but http://www.dotnetnukeskin.com/default.aspx does in fact work.
But Cathal is right - it's highly unlikely to be a dnn issue, not that we don't have any but he's always looking at areas like this and I know that security is a high priority in the project, which is why some projects get delayed, making sure that security has been addressed.
So you can go there and have a look for some skins now!
Nina Meiers
Nina Meiers My Little Website
If it's on DNN, I fix, build, deploy, support,skin, host, design, consult, implement, integrate and done since 2003.
Who am I? Just a city chic, having a crack at organic berry farming.. and creating awesome websites.
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Joined: 4/14/2006
Posts: 7
Thanks Nina,
Since Cathal gave me the default.aspx tip I have been able to use that. That little hack has gone right through the dotnetnukeskin.com site so every preview skin that you select you have to manually stick default.aspx after it *sigh*
I've also been checking out your site too, I love how you are so involved in the community. I know I could make a skin myself, but I need to be spending my time on the development of my content, not how the site looks. Other people have already spent the time working out how to modify skins so why not leverage off them I reckon!
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www.berrydigital.com.au Joined: 1/23/2004
Posts: 1961
Well your comment about working on the content is the way to go in my opinion. I'm working on a very large project at the moment, perhaps the most complicated I've done and there is absolutely no way I could even start doing it if they didn't have the development area, with the content built into it.. now it's ready for staging but I've had to think out of the box to make it work and look like the design.
Thanks for your comment about community involvement, it's very exciting to see such a range of people coming in to DNN, and I like to help where I can, given the time. I do confess, I've got a huge amount of skins I've simply never put online since I've not had the time, but with new staff starting I'm hoping to turn this around, but more interested in having my tutorials, examples and some code snippets online for people use as skinning cheats um..helpers!!
Bit of a bummer but you know all those skins are for sale on snowcovered, he's just using that site as link to snow. so if you find one, you could just click to preview all of his. Quite smart google marketing - with a referral to snow to help pay for the ads..
Nina Meiers
Nina Meiers My Little Website
If it's on DNN, I fix, build, deploy, support,skin, host, design, consult, implement, integrate and done since 2003.
Who am I? Just a city chic, having a crack at organic berry farming.. and creating awesome websites.
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Joined: 4/14/2006
Posts: 7
Well for me a site has to look half reasonable, but it will be the content that will keep people coming back. I specialise in info portals which seem to do half well provided I have the time to put into them. My aforementioned phpnuke site recieves around 2000 pages views a day so I am pretty proud of it (not huge I know, but it will do for me). My interest is now moving to another hobby so I thought what better way to enjoy it that to create yet another damn website I have to maintain!
So anyway I have been scouring high and low for dotnetnuke skins with a wood/craft feel to them, not getting a lot of either unfortunatly. I've just had a drive of your XDMedia Blue skin, very nice, just not fitting for what I am after though.
I hear what you are saying about dotnetnukeskin.com and snowcovered is where I have been doing the majority of my research, there are just soooo many of them! I'm trying to avoid getting a cu$tom $kin at the moment because I am not 100% decided if I will go with dotnetnuke as my final solution or go back to phpnuke. Sure phpnuke has its failings, but I am familiar with it and not having to learn everything all over again. In that same breath I thought I would try out something different anyway and see where it takes me.
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www.berrydigital.com.au Joined: 1/23/2004
Posts: 1961
A woodgrain skin - well, this is very off topic for this thread, but I have one I did for a martial arts site in January last year- I could modify that - I'm sure there's something for you - I know salaro has skins for sale too and yes there are few. And I know what you mean by the XDMediaBlue one - it's not really anything like woodwork.
I'm impressed you're comparing DNN and PHP, you are right, each one has it's merits, but if you want to shoot me an email with any questions, I'll see where I can point you in a few directions, and I'll send you a screen shot of that martial arts skin, very earth tones with a woodgrain type header. They were very happy with it. They didn't pay me so it has no copyrights and I could modify if it appeals.
Nina Meiers
Nina Meiers My Little Website
If it's on DNN, I fix, build, deploy, support,skin, host, design, consult, implement, integrate and done since 2003.
Who am I? Just a city chic, having a crack at organic berry farming.. and creating awesome websites.
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