I writed a Module
This module has a table and some fix data on it .
when I want install my module, in module installing process I create a table and insert some date into it
a column of this table has Non-English(persian(farsi)) data (city name)
install process will be complete but when I see my table in DNN database my data of that columns that have persian characters is Like "??????"
for example word "تهران" converted to "?????"
the problem is here : when I execute my sql script in DNN ( Menu : Host > Sql ) that works correctly and inset my data correct in my table but in install process it fails to insert non-english words correctly
my code is such this
CREATE TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Owghat(
[City] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Year] [int] NOT NULL,
[Month] [int] NOT NULL,
[Day] [int] NOT NULL,
[WeekDay] [int] NOT NULL,
[A-Sobh] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[T-Aftab] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[A-Zohr] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[G-Aftab] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[A-Maghreb] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Nim-Shab] [datetime] NOT NULL
/** Insert Data On Table **/
INSERT INTO {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Owghat([City] ,[Year] ,[Month],[Day] ,[WeekDay] ,[A-Sobh],[T-Aftab],[A-Zohr],[G-Aftab],[A-Maghreb],[Nim-Shab]) VALUES (N'اردبيل',
Where is the Problem ? what I should to do ?