I have been working on a site now for a while and started with version 4.9.3. Two days ago I ran the upgrade to 4.9.5 and everything seemed fine. Then after the upgrade. whenever the app would start because the worked process because had shut down, it would start up and redirect to "http://fuellines/Install/Install.aspx?mode=upgrade". If you then go to the home page a second time, the site will load fine. (fuellines is in my Hosts file and setup in IIS7 to direct to this site on my local machine)
I tried all the fixes I could find on the web that included turning AutoUpgrade and UseInstallWizard to false in the web.config. (This only brought up the Site down page). I also verified my Connection strings which I have read can also cause this and they are below fro a reference:
<add connectionString="Data Source=LMROZEK\LMROZEK;Initial Catalog=FuelLines;User ID=FuelLines;Password=XXXXXX;" name="SiteSqlServer" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=LMROZEK\LMROZEK;Database=FuelLines;uid=FuelLines;pwd=XXXXXXXX"/>
Yesterday I noted that even though I was running on 4.9.5 and the logs show that 4.9.5 installed correctly. in Host Settings it showed my version was 4.9.3. So, I then did a full upgrade again using the Full Install source package, reran the mode upgrade url and everything ran again fine and upgraded to 4.9.5. Checked Host Settings and verified that it told me that it is Version 4.9.5. Everything fine. or so I thought.
This moring I come in and start the project up and sure enough back to the upgrade page that failed. Reloaded and site comes up and I go to Host Settings and AGAIN the version reported is 4.9.3. How the heck did this happen?
I have checked the Versions table (shows 4.9.5 as a version). There is also a tabel dnn_Version table (not sure where it cam from) but added a record to it for 4.9.5 to no effect.
What do I do to keep this site on 4.9.5 and not have this problem on site startup? I don't need to be running the install everyday to keep it running while I am developing.
Note: My environment is as follows and is not the first site that I have run this with, this is just the first site to do it and the first on 4.9.5:
Running 64-Bit Windows 2008 on an HP Laptop with 4 GB Ram and 500 GB Hard Drive
SQL Server 2005 with latest Service Packs
DNN 4.9.5
iFinity's Friendly UrlRewrite Module
.NET 3.5 with SP1
AjaxToolKit 3.0.30512.0
Any help in where to fix this is appreciated.