Hello Bruce,
Pending figuring this out, I used a cookie but this is not the correct solution as a new visitor to the site will have the data appended in the URL while a regular user (after first visit, the cookie sets in), his display will be generated from the cookie's content.
the querystring I want to append is calculated from the module which is loaded AFTER the tabs are generated.
I don't want my module to affect all the urls of all the tabs in the install and I know that links are not stored in the db, they are generated by multiple calls to the db (a weakness in dnn compared to other portal systems, like Genetica), but nevertheless, assuming my own menu provider appends the URL, if that URL content is generated after the menu has outputted, then there is a problem that can only be solved either by delaying the response or by a javascript append.
this seems the best approach pending other ideas
Looking at the __dnnvariable in view source , what do you think can be done to append X=1 to these guys?assuming X =1 comes from the server, from the module which executed following the menu and added a response at the end of the page
something along <s cript ...javas cript ..> a .innerhtml.replac("!!", "?X=1");? </s cript>
this is a sample of the viewsource, in particular the _dnnvariable input part
<n id=666 key=666 txt=Cars ca=3 url=/dotnetnuke/Automotive/Cars/tabid/666/Default.aspx><n id=727 key=727 txt=Cars A-E ca=3 url=/dotnetnuke/Automotive/Cars/CarsAE/tabid/727/Default.aspx><n id=734 key=734 txt=Deawoo ca=3 url=/dotnetnuke/Automotive/Cars/CarsAE/Deawoo/tabid/734/Default.aspx /><n id=733 key=733 txt=BMW ca=3 url=/dotnetnuke/Automotive/Cars/CarsAE/BMW/tabid/733/Default.aspx /><n id=767 key=767 txt=Buick ca=3
I checked the menu across DNN 4.8 and DNN 5.1 and it seems the sequence in the _dnnvariable changes with dNN versions... very disappointing because this means a javascript fix will work on a version today and may not work on a new menu tomorrow
I am looking for a core fix (either menu provider, breadcrumbs providers, ...) modification or a change to the stored procedure that gets the tabid to pass a placeholder that I can later (when the module loads) modify on client side.
What do you think now? cryptic or not cryptic?