First thing is create a folder in your "Portals/#" (where # is the Portal ID in which you are working) folder named "RepositoryTemplates". Then copy the "Articles' folder from the /DesktopModules/Repository/Templates folder to the newly created folder.
You want to do this for 2 reasons, by editing a copy you can apply new updates to the module in the future and your changes will not be overwritten, and secondly, if you mess up, you can just re-copy the template files again to start over :) . The template engine always looks in the Portals/#/RepositoryTemplates folder first, then the /DesktopModules folder second. In the module settings you can tell where a template is being loaded from, if a template is being loaded from the Portals folder the template name will have an asterisk next to it, if there is no asterisk, then the template is being loaded from the DesktopModules folder.
When done you should have a "/Portals/0/RepositoryTemplates/Articles" folder (assuming you are doing this for Portal 0, if not, make sure to use the correct PortalID.
Now, edit the template.html file in that new folder and remove the [AUTHORNAME], [CREATEDDATE] tokens so that those data elements will not display. To change the font size for the title, edit the template.xml file and modify the 'class' setting of the TITLE token. You can enter any of the existing stylesheet classes, or you can add your own class to your stylesheet (through Admin->Site Settings->Stylesheet Editor), then specify the name of your custom class at the Value setting.
You can remove the [SORT] token by editing the Header.html