Hi everyone
I'm resigned to post my problem here cause I'm a bit disappointed by the domain I'm dealing with. I will describe you the problem, which occurs on a recent powerfull DNN-dedicated webserver.
My website is not so huge, it has 230 pages, 4000 articles managed with NewsArticles, a few custom modules which produces something like 3000 other item to index. I'm using the default Dnn Search provider.
A few days ago I remarked that most of the scheduled re-index jobs were still running from Dnn point-of-view (their duration were still growing even after app_restart). I decided so to have a look, and stopped them mannually from the DB. I disabled the scheduled task, and emptied the index tables with a simple DELETE script. Then I went to the Host > Search tab, defined the max-word-lenght to 35, min-word-lenght to 6, without indexing the common words, and without indexing the numbers, then click on re-index the website.
In the same time, I've setup a few line of SQL script in order to see what's happening SQL side.
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalIndexedItems FROM [dbo].[SearchItem]
SELECT COUNT(*) as IndexItemsWithoutArticles FROM [dbo].[SearchItem] WHERE [Guid] NOT LIKe '%article%'
SELECT COUNT(*) as IndexedArticles FROM [dbo].[SearchItem] WHERE [Guid] LIKe '%article%'
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalArticles FROM [dbo].[DnnForge_NewsArticles_Article] WHERE IsApproved = 1 and IsDraft = 0
SELECT COUNT(*) as ItemWords FROM [dbo].[SearchItemWord]
SELECT COUNT(*) as ItemWordsPosition FROM [dbo].[SearchItemWordPosition]
SELECT COUNT(*) as Words FROM [dbo].[SearchWord]
The re-indexing task never finished from the web brower point of view, but ended after a few second SQL side (between 2 and 4 minutes).
I runned it several times, and it stops randomly while inserting the items to index or inserting the words to index, in the middle of the articles indexation.
I first thought that it could be related to NewsArticles ISearchable interface, but it's not, as GetsearchItems end successfully from the dnn library side when I am in debug on dnn library.
By the way, while in debug on the DNN library, the re-index task launched from Hosts ends-up successfully. The scheduled task ends successfully too. (15000 indexed items, 30967 words, 182926 ItemWords and 450000 itemWordPos.)
Why when I am in release (whatever the DLLs are debug or release compiled), why the re-index task stops in nowhere ?
Any help would be much appreciated, I'm running out of arguments.