Hi (this one is very urgent - your responses will be greatly appreciated).
I'm having to post this here since this question has not been posted in exactly the same way or has not been answered when other people have asked it.
Basically i want to use the blog module to serve as articles for the site. I originally had it setup so that the parent main blog was named 'Articles' and then had child blogs under it named 'Cars', 'Vans', 'Motorbikes' , the problem with this was that everyone would need to first click on 'articles' to expand it and then be able to see the actual articles categories when they visited the page, rather than be able to see them instantly without needing to expand parent blog. Also, in the search dropdown it would say 'all blogs' or 'articles' rather than allow you to search all categories seperately.
For these two reasons i would now like to have three blogs showing in the blog list module so that it shows 'Cars', 'Vans', 'Motorbikes' just like on the main dnn blog page http://www.dotnetnuke.com/tabid/825/default.aspx on the left hand side. This is exactly what i want to achieve (please also let me know if this would not be the right way to do articles for any reason, mentioning your reasons also please).
I have tried several links to try and find a link where i can setup a new blog but i just cannot find it, i cannot see any 'create new blog' link, it was only there the first time i setup the module i think.
Please can you guide me on how i could set this up correctly. Thanks alot for your help.