Ok, I've done some initial searching, and I'm kind of stunned this hasn't come up more - or maybe I'm using the wrong search phrase(s) or missing an already-implemented feature... anyway...
Resizing images on upload. Particularly through the 'core' FCKEdit control. I keep running into a problem where users are constantly struggling with the concept of resizing before they upload. In reality, it can be a bit much for some less-technical users to comprehend 'measured in pixels', '300 vs 72dpi', 'resolution' or the difference between image size and file size. Yes, I know this is design 101 for many of us, but I have several clients who chose us (and by proxy, the DNN system) because of the ease of use and administration. However, I now am constantly finding myself going in and manually correcting many of these issues as they affect not only site performance (more than 2x 2mb+ images in the portal root can cause the Image Browser to hang while loading, even on high speed connections) but for the sake of overall site size on my servers.
I understand that as of 5.2 we now have Telerik controls, and I'm curious if this will extend into the core Text/HTML editor as I notice in the "Modules" section there is no longer a HTML / Text section. I would prefer to find this solution within the 'core' functions/features of DNN as the more modules each website takes, the more places things can go wrong during upgrades, maintenance, etc.
Thoughts? Corrections? Someone wanna beat me down with the 'clue' stick because I missed something obvious? =)
Wells "Lee" Doty Jr
Net Doctors