Hi all,
I am new to DotNetNuke, I created a module which is working fine but now I’m trying to make it bilingual.
In webconfig.config I have:
<globalizationculture="auto"uiCulture="auto"requestEncoding="UTF-8"responseEncoding="UTF-8" fileEncoding="UTF-8"/>
The label I am trying to work with is.
<asp:Label ID="lblAgree" resourcekey="lblAgreeResource" runat="server" Text='Please type "I AGREE" in the box below <br />to confirm your agreement to the:'></asp:Label>
I have two files in App_LocalResources
1. Signin.ascx.fr.resx
2. Signin.ascx.resx
Inside the files I have only one resource key lblAgreeResource.Text
This works only for English, when in IE I change the preference to French (Canada) [fr-CA] nothing happens and I still see the English text.
I tried changing the files name to Signin.ascx.fr-CA.resx but no luck.
Do you know what I am doing wrong? I can provide more information
in dotnetnuke site settings do i need to add French Canada (fr-CA) as a locale languange?
Thank you