- plain skin to allow portal style to show through: can do as copy of supplied style with minimal css eg: .HeaderText{font-weight: bold;}
- Slideshow
-html bug: height spelt wrong in img src=" & StartImage & " name='SlideShow' height=100
ControlSlideshow.ascx.vb l.155
- better to do server-side resizing for better slideshow if actual source images are v.large or differing sizes: eg change urls passed to javascript array to
Page.ResolveUrl("Image.aspx?tabid=" & _portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID & "&mid=" & GalleryConfig.ModuleID.ToString & "&path=¤titem=" & image.Index & "¤tstrip=1")
- controlviewer.ascx.vb
- loses the selected size between each image
- defaults to show full size, which is impractical if source images are large. change default variable initialisation in l.52 to
Private isModified As Boolean = True
this allows a zoom level of 0 to take effect by default rather than showing picture original size
- No paging buttons on main view - fixed according to http://support.dotnetnuke.com/issue/ViewIssue.aspx?id=946 please can we have a fix released / posted somewhere
- Pop-up windows do not use portal skin..
- Gallery page css bug: seems to produce separate css for each image cell, if you set up the gallery to show a lot of images on the page (up the rows/columns) it produces hundreds of lines of style information which seems to break the browser after a certain length