im trying to create a calendar pop up in my module, using a image and textbox in my ascx file
and in my ascx.vb file is:
Dim path As String = DotNetnuke.Common.Utilities.Calendar.InvokeupCal(TextBox1)
Image1.Attributes.Add("OnClick", path)
the popup calendar work just fine but i want to change the dateformat in produced by the calendar
i've seen the code in popupcalender.js
'default localized date short date if not provided'
if (popCalDstFmt == " ")
popCalDstFmt = "m/d/yyyy";
i assumed that i can change the format if i change the code to "d/m/yyyy" but it didn't work
or can i provided the format as an parameter? how?
is there a tutorial in how to use popupcalendar.js?