Hey there
I'll start with stating "I've no idea what I'm doing"
Right, that's out of the way then!
I tried to set up aweber with my DNN site so that when new members registered they'd be sent a link to then sign up with aweber. Thing is, this never worked. Although everybody was signing up with my site OK, nobody ever signed up with/through the aweber part. It's all vague, but I now want to remove the aweber (closing account as it's pants), but I need to know where I put the settings.
As I recall, somewhere in DNN I was asked about forwarding members to a page when they signed up, I need to find that part of the admin section so I can remove that and put it all back to the basic DNN signup system (new member fills in form, joins, they get sent email, job done!).
Thanking you in anticipation.