What you do here depends on how comfortable you are with the skinning engine of DNN. You can either add to the skin, or to the content of the site.
1. Add a second NAV skin object to the .ascx file and restyle this to fit into your skin design. - To do this you will need to edit the skin .ascs file and include a second nav skin object, chnage the settings of this to suit the menu you're after and then style using CSS.
2. Use the links module to create a set of links and place these in a "MarginPane", and then add this to relevant pages. - To achieve this you can add the links module to the first page and edit the links to include all the pages you want to link to, then on the other pages you woudl "Add an existing module" and select the links module. This will then show on all the pages you add it to, and if you update the links, it will update in all instances of the mod.
3. Use a HTML module to create a set of links and place these in a "MarginPAne", and then add this to relevant pages. - This is pretty much the same as above, but would give you some additional scope to styling the links becuase you could place them in a <ul> with a class and use CSS to fully style as you like.
For the 2 nav objest, Timo has a great example which I'd recommend looking at: