I am having difficulty tracking down uptodate information about skinning a DNN installation.(thankfully, I just found the "
DNN 5 Skins and skinning" thread which should be helpful) .
I am a DNN newbie, and am looking to create a website that has 3 templates/areas to it.
The sections I am after are:
1) A public website, with its own template (template1) showing only certain web pages.
2) When logged in as a user of
type A, certain web pages are shown, and a different template (template2) is shown.
3) When logged in as a user of
type B, certain web pages are shown, and a different template (template3) is shown.
How do I go about:
a) configuring the 3 site sections
b) applying the 3 different templates to each section
c) setting up appropriate user privelidges
d) assigning web pages to be displayed in a section
I need the sections to all have dynamic menus (eg add and remove pages to a section at will).
Any advice or pointers to resources would be most appreciated.