Bulk Emailer - Advanced DNN Email
Bulk Emailer is the most advanced fully featured email manager module for DotNetNuke.
Use Bulk Emailer to deliver rich personalised and dynamic content to DNN users, custom lists, and integrated CRM contacts.
Automatically track who clicks on a link in your campaign, and send them a follow up email about the product or service.
Run a regular newsletter and provide an opt-in option to new customers who will then receive past campaigns at a defined acceptable rate.
Allow recipients to auto unsubscribe to your lists automatically, meeting international SPAM laws on e-mail.
Automatically monitor how successful a campaign is, and many more advanced features all explained in a 90 page colour manual.

Our entire engine is SQL database driven. Host processes, server services, and even server reboots will not interrupt the send process. The DNN scheduler process will pickup where it left off when interrupted.
Many Laws around the world are specific about the management of the Opt-Out process. Automatic tokes, and single click confirmed Opt-out will ensure that you keep users happy while meeting your legal requirements.

As with all our products, we work hard to keep our interface simple. With this application we use the traditional stacked control panel.

In some situations we know that communication to everyone on your lists is vital, so we have included the ability to override the unsubscribed people to contact them in an emergency.

Send .doc or MHTML Messages
You can send a Microsoft .doc, .docx, MHTML, or MHT file directly from the campaign manager. These file types will where necessary automatically be converted to a single file web page and sent. This is the same method as Office Mail Merge.

MS CRM Unsubscribe Linking
Out module is part of our MS CRM integrated Portal solutions. This includes two way linking of the Unsubscribe data. While only valid for people using this integration package, it is native to this module.

Because of our support of .doc and .docx file, you can design and create email messages using the MS Word application. Utilizing the templates online, and dropping graphics and pictures into word that do NOT require to be linked to a web based image. Very Powerful

We have included the ability to generate true dynamic content into your email messages. Link directly to RSS content either from other modules on your site or external RSS feeds. The data will be dynamically updated into your email content at scheduled send time.
Single File Web Page messages created in Word, will automatically include in it's send package the images used in the email. This ensures that even offline, your email messages will have rich visual content. It also ensures a consistency in visual presentation at the user end across a wide range of email applications.

Personalised Email Content
We have a rich profile token system that allows you to use any profile item data, including custom profile data to generate unique specific data to individuals. "Dear John, we have your primary phone number as...."
Without SQL integration, you can use SQL code to reference data stored in any SQL database. This allows code happy developers to use our module to reference other SQL data stores, including non DNN based data.

We have also tapped into all the defined DNN tokens. So any DNN token can be used to create dynamic content within your email messages.

You can manage your own custom mailing lists. Adding via CSS or Excel data a range of profile and email data.

The send method will batch process on scheduler system. Allowing throttling and control over the send process.
You can search, delete, add and manage your lists directly form the module interface.
We have a metrics of reported data on each campaign. This is a powerful way to see how successful the campaign was. The matrix also includes the progress of the send process of various campaigns.

You can attach any type of type for sending in the email messages. The file type can be attached and in a scheduled process, and the contents of the packaged updated at a later stage.

Diving within the matrix of data will allow you to see the send progress or success / failure for any particular email address. You can check if an email was generated in a campaign for a specific individual address using our lookup tools.
Select Via Security Roles
DNN Security Roles can be used to select specific user groups to send to in a campaign. Use none, one or all your different security role groups at one time.

We have the built in ability to monitor or monitor and manage a pop3 email address. Our application will look specifically for bounced email messages (distinguishing between normal email, out of office email etc) and add the bounced email messages to a bounce list with count. You can then specify that when a certain count is reached, these email addresses should be dropped from future campaigns.
Select from your custom created lists either separately or in conjunction with the DNN Security roles to generate a combination of lists to send to.

You can manage the bounce list from within the module, adding editing the bounce count or removing addresses from the bounce list.

Exclude Via Security Roles
You can select from your DNN security roles the roles you wish to exclude from a send. For example, you could select to add all Registered User, but select to exclude all Staff Security Role

You can deliver immediately or schedule a campaign for delivery later. You manage the kickoff time and the scheduler will run when necessary and start the send process.

You can also exclude people biased on your custom lists. For Example you may have a list of people interested in hearing about Weekly Specials, but you don't want them to hear about your Monthly Specials. Exclude the custom list and know that they will be excluded from that send.

You can create, manage and token feed RSS content into the body of your email campaigns. Allowing you to feed dynamic content to your email recipients.

Email Application Integration
You can use a powerful email application integration to reach into your applications like Outlook or Windows Mail and pull contacts and their email data directly to this module. This allows you to send an email via the web to all your Email Application contacts.

You can drive users with tokens to custom surveys, providing them with the profile data they need to complete the survey as a registered user.

This we Love. After all the various sources of email addresses are pooled together into the module for sending, Duplications are removed and people will only get a single message, even if they appear on different lists or imported contact data. How Cool is that!

Integrated Microsoft CRM Support
We have a suite called Interactive CRM Portal that extends Microsoft CRM Dynamics Live service. This module is an integrated part of that suite that is two way synced with CRM marketing lists and the "Do Not Bulk Email" unsubscribe.

Naturally we track a range or matrix data, including who opened your email messages, how long they opened it for, the number of messages sent, bounced, excluded, new opt outs, and links clicked.

Set Default From Email Address
We have settings that include setting the reply to email address. So that monitored email addresses with the bounce monitoring system can correctly access the bounced email messages. Default options make it easier for staff and others to get these setting correct.
Auto Link Thumbnail Creation
All the links or URL's in an email message will be automatically generated into a thumbnail of that page. This helps you understand the link tracking data by way of automatic visual presentation.

Campaigns can be set to run at times and dates. Allows you to be out of the office when a campaign is

Any Links in your email message are automatically tracked. No need to put tracking tokens etc into your message. We do it automatically. You can see who, when, browser, and ip, who clicked the various links.

Automatic Campaign Catch-up
Allow members subscribing a list or role to catch up on past email campaigns automatically, with the past time (e.g. 6 months of news letters) and frequency (2 per week) able to be set.
You can use the link tracking data to generate a nested campaign. Send a follow up message to all the people who were interested enough in a link from the first message that they clicked it. A truly powerful sales tool indeed.

You can accept default DNN SMTP settings, or set a number of your own SMTP servers, and specify the how the servers should work (sharing the load or in a backup mode)
Included in the module package is a separate Opt-In module. This allows you to create custom lists and link them to the Opt-In module. Allowing your users to select and manage the lists they are opted into.

You can specify that for each campaign only a certain number of messages should be sent via a specific SMTP server, allowing you to use servers with daily limits like Gmail servers.

Users can Opt-In to non, one or many lists. Remembering that duplication removal is automatic at send time, you can punch out an email to all lists, and people subscribed to multiple will receive a single email.

You can specify that a particular SMTP server should handle specific email domains e.g. Gmail servers handle all mail traffic to email ending in .gmail.com.
The Opt-In module can auto reply to the Opt-In process to ensure that users are confident about their opt in process.

You can have a primary SMTP mail server, and specify one or a number of backup servers. This way if one fails, the send process will move on to the next to try sending.
We have even made it possible to automatically create a DNN account for people who Opt-In to a list. This is a powerful way of drawing people to express interest in products or services, but capturing a relationship with them into your DNN site without requiring them to re-enter all their details.

We have a policy that currently allows unlimited free updates. Read the policy here: