Sebastian Leupold - I too used the Community Edition, Upgrade Package, & I was upgrading from 5.4.4 to 5.5.0.
William Severance - When I did the upgrade, I too received no upgrade errors, but as soon as I tried to browse the site, I got the usual message about not displaying useful error messages to remote clients, so tried to browse the site from the server, & then got an error page. I can't remember the details, but I know it mentioned a Telerik manifest not matching, or something like that. Luckily, as the upgrade wizard hadn't run, the database was completely unchanged, so I then simply deleted all files from the website folder, then unzipped the .zip file back-up I'd just made back into the now empty folder, & the site was restored.
I don't remember anything about a binding redirection error, and I've never even heard of Telerik, let alone installed a non-standard version. The version of Telerik.Web.UI.dll in the /bin folder was (& still is) as follows (not sure which one you want):
Assembly Version: 2010.1.309.35
File Version: 2010.01.0309.35
Product Version: 2010.01.0309.35
You say that the web.config file was needed to be modified, which should have been fine, although I'm never quite sure of the correct upgrade procedure, so here's what I usually do, in case I'm missing something:
1. Download Upgrade Package
2. Unblock the .zip file - may I just say, Microsoft, what a ridiculous idea that is! Fair enough for .exe files, as they tell you they're blocked when you try to run them, but .zip files seem fine, then they simply don't unzip all the important files! I completely messed up my website doing this once, & had to completely start again as by the time I realised what I'd done, I'd well & truly screwed it trying to fix it! Sorry, Microsoft rant over!
3. Unzip contents of .zip file over the files in the website folder, then copy the two lines containing SQL Server connection details and the line containing the machine id from the old web.config into the newly provided resource.config file, then rename the old web.config file to something with the date in, then rename resource.config to web.config.
4. Browse the home page, which when successful, launches the upgrade wizard & upgrades the database etc.
So is that the correct procedure? I've always felt that the correct procedure should be published somewhere as the definitive guide to upgrading, rather than expecting people to trawl through forum postings by other users, many of which are years & many versions old.
Anyway, please let me know if you need any further information & more importantly, hopefully someone can tell me what I did wrong.