Thanks for your help, I have reported this bug, here is what I found:
This only happens in IE 8, not FireFox
I have tracked this down to some extra garbage characters after </html> in the files that have the missing components. Actually, the components are in the source file and other than the extra garbage characters, the pages are identical. This is hapenning on two different host providers.
Here is the difference:
Good Page ends with this after </HTML>: 0D 0A 00 00 00 00 00
Blank Page ends with this after </HTML>: 0D 0A 00 E6 98 BA E6 B9 B5 E7 91 A3 E6 BD A9
Looks to me like someone is null terminating a string array but sending the entire array contents. This is OK for an application, but the extra binary characters are affecting IE. IE should ignor the extra characters like FireFox, but it appears that it is not. Since 80% of internet users use IE, this needs to be fixed.