1. Introduction
Classified Pro 6.2 enables you create online store and publish classified information as easy asABC. It supports multiple user and template based. User can manage their own files and upload big size files. Module will convert user upload videos to .flv/h264 format. It also supports store file via Amason S3. Administrator can customize product attributes as their wish.
You can use this module to sell real goods/digital files and software /portal roles / vitural things. V6.2 support 3 payment gateways : PayPal ,Authorize.net and Manual processing. User can check out via PayPal or via credit card (Visa,Mastercard,Amex,Discover,JCB,Diners,Enroute). v6.2 also support offline check out via Maual processing payment gateway.
You can also use this module to post classified informations without sell features. Module provides a option to turn off all features which related to order.
View live demo at http://www.dnnmodules.cn/Store.aspx or download trial version and user guide document at http://www.dnnmodules.cn/FreeDownload.... Please read “Classified Pro 6.2 user guide.doc” before config your store.
You can buy it on Snowcovered.com, or buy it on our site if you have PayPal account.
2. Module Highlights
2.1 Multiple user, file manage, Large file upload, Amason S3, Video convert online/offline
2.1.1 Multiple user support.
Administrator can choose roles which can post information, specify disk quote and item count this role can have.
2.1.2 User file manager
If user belong to edit roles and his disk quote not set to 0. He can manage his own folder/files. When edit his product informations, he can choose related files(image/video/document,etc) from these files. He can add/delete folder, upload/move/delete/rename/unzip files. Just like site administrator can do in dnn standard “File Manager” page, user can do the same work too. Except the “Upload“ function, module provide more powerful tools.
2.1.3 Multiple/Large file upload
Module provide multiple/large file upload via Ms silverlight control,don't need change anything in site configuration. User can upload huge files as he wish. You can upload .zip files and check “Unzip“ option to automatic unzip after upload. This will reduce a lot of upload time.
2.1.4 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) support
2.1.5 Convert user upload video to .flv or h.264(.mp4) format online
Below is a incomplete list which module can convert:
1 Real Video (.rm,.rmvb)
2 Microsoft Media (.wmv, .asf,.wm)
3 Apple QuickTime(.mov)
4 DivX/XVID/Motion Jpeg(.avi)
5 Mpeg 1/2 encoded DVD video(.mpg,.mpeg,.mpe,.vob)
6 Flash video (.flv,.f4b,.f4v)
7 Mobile phone video format(.3gp,3g2)
8 Apple/Sony mp4(.mp4,.m4a,.m4v)

P6 - Video Convert
2.1.6 Convert videos offline
We also provide a desktop application which can convert video and capture thumbnails. This is a free windows application, you can use it as your wish. Visit http://www.dnnmodules.cn/FreeDownload... to download it.
2.2 Department, Sell property, Specification, Attribute, Category,Tax,Location,Shipping, Tag,User Category,Sell online or not
2.2.1 Product department ( product type)
Product departments are top-level data to organize information. Each department has its own categories/attributes/tags/products/tax rates. It can be selling or not sell. Its sell property can be goods/digital files or software / portal roles / virtual things.
2.2.2 Department sell property ( goods/digital files/portal roles/virtual things)
2.2.3 Additional Specifications
Module has some built specifications(like description,special offer,etc).Besides that, each department supports up to 5 additional specifications. You can enable them,specify their title and default content. Product belong to this department will see these specification and can have its value by simply change the default content.
2.2.4 Customize Attributes
Different product department has different property. For example, if you sell computer, you may want specify its cpu type/monitor type..etc. If you sell clothes,you may want to specify its color/size/material. After creating a attribute, you can then create specific attribute values for an individual product (e.g. "Red", "Green", "Blue")..
2.2.5 Unlimited level categories
Each type has its own categories. You can add unlimited level of categories. A product can belong to multiple categoires.
2.2.6 Tax rate based billing country and state/province
Each department has its own tax rate. You can specify different tax rate based client billing country and state/provinces.
2.2.7 Location ( country, state)
Location will be visible for customer registrations / address creation. By default, module will automatic create countries/ states data for US and Canada. You can delete them if you don’t need.
2.2.8 Shipping
Once you have created a shipping method, it can be used to calculate shipping costs based on various criteria ( based shipping country/state/ship method/product weight,etc).
2.2.9 Tags
Each department has its own tag list. A product can belong to multiple tags.
2.2.10 User categories
Site administrator may defined a lot of product departments, but vendor may only interest in some of them. He can create his own categories, each category corresponding to a product department. And he will only see his own departments while edit his products.
2.2.11 Sell online or not
Module provide a option to control the sellable of whole site. If you don't want to sell your products online,you can simple uncheck it.Then all related features will be hidden. Like the shopping cart, sell report. etc. However, other features will work as the same, like help ticket,watch list,coment,rating, etc.
2.3 Product, Video/Audio/Image/Attachment/, Option, Download,Role
2.3.1 Product
A can belong multiple categories/tags. Below is some important property of product:
:Promo price/promo start/promo end,
:Stock/Low threshold,
:Previous version
2.3.2 Related Video/Audio/Image/Attachment/
A product can have multiple video/audio/image/attachment with it. If vendor has disk quote,he can choose his own files to add. If his disk quote is set to 0, he can only add from external url or from embed code.
Module use the lightbox style to play video(or image) in product detail,whether it comes from local file , or external url , or embed code.

P14 - Play video via light box style
2.3.3 Product Options
A product can have multiple options, option has its bonus price and bonus weight. User can choose which option he want to buy.
2.3.4 Product Download
If product sell property belong to software or role, you can add download files for product and its options. Client can download these files after they order.
2.3.5 Product Role
If product sell property belong to portal roles, you can specify role name and valid date.Client will be added to role after check out. You can also add download files related to this role.
2.4 PayPal and Authorize.net, Manual Processing, Discount, Rating, Help ticket, Comment, Watch list,Sell report
2.4.1 Check out via PayPal and Authorize.Net
Client can check out via PayPal or via credit card like Visa,Mastercard,Amex,Discover,JCB,
2.4.2 Manual check out
V6.2 add a new payment - Manual check out. After ordered, client can contact vendor and pay money offline. Vendor then change payment status from “awating payment “ to “paid“ and do necessary work ( like shipping ) after receive money.
2.4.3 Vendor can modify order summary to offer discount
2.4.4 Rating
Visitor can submit rating to products.
2.4.5 Help Ticket
Registered user can submit help ticket to vendor to get 1-to-1 help.
2.4.6 Comment
Vendor can choose roles which can submit comment to his product.
2.4.7 Watch list
Registered user can add product to his watch list.
2.4.8 Sell report
Offer sell report via different ways.

P18 - Sell report
2.5 Template, Controllable, Mail, Seo,Rss
2.5.1 All display modules are template based
There are 12 sub modules in this package.Except the Cp_Admin module( which used to manage all informations) , the other 11 modules are fully template based. There are some built-in template in package,you can try save a copy then modify them, then choose them as your display.
2.5.2 Controllable
Module offer more than 1000 options to control the layout and functions. By using these options ,you can achieve different layout and functions as your wish. For example:
1 .Display multiple product in one row

2.Display 1 prouct per row

2.5.3 Mail integrated
Mail is everywhere in this module .Whenever client order / submit help ticket/rating/request discount..., module will send related mail to store administrator/ vendor/client.
2.5.4 Seo optimization
2.5.5 Rss integrated
2.6 Online help, Security assure,Easy to use, Localization
3. Module List and Skin object
There are 12 sub-modules and 1 skin object in this package:
4. Try before you buy
We strongly recommend you try this module before you buy. You can
1. View our live store at http://www.dnnmodules.cn/Store.aspx . Try buy some free modules to test it online.
2. Download trial version and user guide document at http://www.dnnmodules.cn/FreeDownload.... The trial version has the same features with the official version, but it can only be used in localhost domain names.
Note,please read “Classified Pro 6.2 user guide.doc” before config your store.
5. Acknowledgment
Video convert engine are based two GNU projects :
1. ffmpeg at http://www.ffmpeg.org
2 . MPlayer at http://www.mplayerhq.hu/
We learn a lot of from below modules while developing:
1. Silverlight file upload module from Michael Washington
2. Dnn official module - Form and list
3. Dnn official module - Store.