William Severance wrote:
There are potentially three different emails that may be sent when feedback is submitted. For each I have indicated the localization keys all of which are defined in DesktopModules/Feedback/App_LocalResources/Feedback.ascx.resx:
1. Email to Send To and/or Send To Roles recipients:
2. Email set to those roles with Moderate permission when moderation is enabled:
3. Copy of email optionally sent to submitter - no localizable strings as it only includes subject line and message body.
You can create a portal specific localization by using the Admin-->Languages editor. Click the edit pencil for Static Resources Site and navigate the resources tree to Local Resources > DesktopModules > Feedback > App_LocalResources > Feedback.ascx.
When/If I create the next version of Feedback, I intend to make the emails templatable to provide better options in this area.
Thanks for your reply, William.
I am also looking at customising the emails - especially the copy to the submitter.
Have had some confusion from users who thought they received an empty reply from the website admin.
What I ideally want is to customise the subject line that it says:"Copy of your feedback on www.website.com"
The message should say something like:
"See below a copy of the feedback you submitted. The site admin will reply in due course."
Also the email to the admin specified in in the module settings (Send To)": Would like the subject line to say: "New feedback from www.testsite.com". And the feedback subject should be displayed underneath the Category in the email body.
Another thing: The from email in the copy email should ideally also be the one specified in the module settings (Send To) and not the site admin.
Are you going to upgrade the feedback module at some stage, William?
Really like it otherwise!