Dear William,
first of all I want to THANK YOU very very much for the help you're giving me. I think you are very close to identifying the problem with your analysis. Well, let's see....
05.06.00 upgrade: I got the failure because of existing indexes on a couple of tables (UserProfile and Lists). I actually added new indexes myself in order to improve performance on this site, where I have a custom DLL to manage a "4 level linked lists" (Country, Region, Province, City). I had to add custom indexes and also modified vw_lists in order to get decent performance there.
I now manually removed my indexes and successfully run the upgrade script for 05.06.00.
I think this is ok now, but still get the error on Modules table if I try to install some module.
I don't have the
triggers you tell me to check for, but actually have a couple of triggers:
select * from sysobjects where xtype = 'TR'
The former is for table Findy_XsltDb_Modules (from the great XsltDb module, and should not be a problem.
But the latter is a trigger on
ModuleDefinitions, added from DNNMasters Multi Portal Users Sharing. Maybe some core modification broke this trigger, I believe... but before I delete that trigger I'd want to see its code, and am now quarreling with SQL 2008 management console that isn't showing me triggers under "database triggers"
But I will win! ;-)