Okay I've worked very hard on my html and my css and my xml (what a pain in the neck!) Can you tell I've never wrote any html stuff before?
Anyway, I'm scared that if I upload it and something is messed up, that it will mess up my DNN portal again (local machine) so I won't be able to log on (already did that once somehow and it took hours to fix.)
So, I've read somewhere that I need an admin page? All I've managed to write is a main home page and it's all so confusing to me that I don't even know if it will work. There seems to be a hundred ways to write this stuff...use tables, don't use tables, use div, etc. If I try this out without an admin page, what will happen (I do have the SOLPART menu written into my code). I can't find any instructions on how to write an admin page either. What is it supposed to be?
Oh, and I am also stuck on the floating box thing (using <DIV> float: left). Here's my so far floating thing (css):
.container { /*this is a full page container; not sure I need it...will it mess up the rest of my styles below?*/
position: relative;
padding-left: 6px;
padding-right: 6px;
padding-top: 12px;
padding-bottom 0px;
height: 100%;
width: 1014px /*box model hack width*/
voice-family: "\"}\"";
voice-family: inherit; /* "box model hack" */
width: 1002px; /*actual box width*/
.menu1 { /*this is the style for box menu 1 to hold the tokens*/
float: left; /*should make the box float at top under control panel and inside container?*/
background-image: url(menu1.jpg);/*the menu background*/
padding: 0;
width: 295px; /*should not need box model hack here*/
.menu2 { /*this is the style for box menu 2 which holds the actual SOLPART menu*/
float: left; /*should make the box float at top to right of menu 1 (under control) and inside container?*/
valign: top;
background-image: url(menu2.jpg); /*the menu background*/
height: 32px;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
width: 495px; /*actual box width*/
.rightpane { /* a content pane that is supposed to go all the way down the right side*/
float: left /*pan should float pane to right of menu 2*/
valign: top;
padding: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 200 px;
.logo { /*a content pane*/
float: left; /*will this thing come back over to under the menu1 like I want it to?
valign: top;
padding: 0;
height: 194px;
width: 290px /*actual box width*/
.banner { /*a content pane*/
float: left; /*supposed to go to right of logo and under menu2 */
valign: top;
height: 194px;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
width: 500px; /*box model hack width*/
voice-family: "\"}\"";
voice-family: inherit; /* "box model hack" */
width: 490px; /*actual box width*/
.mediapane { /*this box holds a table with 1 content pane in each*/
float: left; /*I need this back up under the logo*/
valign: top;
padding-top: 0;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
padding-bottom: 5px;
width: 290px; /*actual box width*/
.contentpane { /* the main content pane */
float: left; /*I need this to the right of media pane and under banner */
padding: 0;
height: 100%; /*flexible size supposed to stretch*/
valign: top;
width: 290px; /*actual box width*/
/*that's it, no more panes. Will this thing work?*/
What I don't get is, first, whether my .container will make a page box for the rest of the stuff the way I have it written here. And second, will my floats look like this?
menu1, menu2, right pane
logo, banner
media pane, content pane
left pane
My html file doesn't have any tables (except 1 that goes inside the media box) and I'm counting on this style sheet to do the job. So do I have to declare these panes as content panes in a skin.xml file so that they will show up as content panes that I can put modules in? Or should I just start all over and make an html template with a table for my layout like I was going to do in the first place? Arrrgh!
Sorry for asking what are probably very basic questions. I hope someone takes pity on my lack of knowledge and gives me some simple answers. I'm sick to death of reading and reading and reading and ....