William Severance wrote:
As you can see, the test is based on whether the
node has been updated to include the requestValidationMode attribute which is specific to ASP.Net 4.0. I suspect that this modification is failing to be completed, most likely due to the section of your site's web.config being wrapped in a section which is a known issue with this and some other web.config modifications done by the XmlMerge API.
If this fits your situation and you find that no requestValidationMode attribute was added to the node, I would manually make the modification adding the following attribute and value:
I have a similar situation. Comments are being added to the web.config file for each page view.
Is already present. And the problem is still there.
I'm getting 4 lines of comments added per web page visit. (Can we say OUCH?) This is added twice:
<!--Upgraded by .NET 4.0 Upgrade version 5.6.1 - Date: 3/6/2011 4:52:47 PM-->
<!--<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" />-->
Those are in both "assemblyIdentity" nodes, i.e.:
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions.Design"...
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions"...
But not in the Telerik node.
I have both system.webServer and system.web wrapped in a location node as I have a subapplication running. i.e.:
<location path="" inheritInChildApplications="false">
Removing system.web and setting:
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="true" />
Only results in an error.
I found this IIS.net forum post:
Which only confirms that this is something like what you've described above, i.e. An application is doing it (DNN).
I cannot find anything that points me in the right direction to solve this though.
This is show-stopper problem.
Is there any way to work around this by modifying the web.config or something?
I could swap out the subapplication and put it under a subdomain and lose the "<location>" wrapper for the "system.web" and "system.webServer" nodes, but that's really an extremely poor solution.
Or is there another way to get subapplications to work with DNN?