Hi Guys,
it is not just a fact of the UI its the whole design of the control panel.
If you are a DNN lifer like me its fine.
But when my staff try to use it it takes them months to get use to it.
I put a post about what I think should be done to help improve the systems navigational structure for the none DNN users
So the admin and host menu's need to be organised.
The control panel needs to be set by user roles. So if you have an editor using the site they can do so without having to watch a training video every other day.
And for the system to be focused as a more user friendly system.
I have argued with my company on more than one occasion as they wish to move to wordpress.
I understand the reason for this but DNN is capable of so much more than wordpress if it was more user friendly.
Control Panel post is
Make DNN easy for marking is
User Friendly Navigation is
Old Idea for control panel
I maybe banging my head against a brick wall here but this system could blow every other CMS of the internet if done right.
anyway its not just my opinion. Alot of this comes from my staff who are not techie or programmers and my clients that edit there own sites.
Thanks for all the hard work guys