I had some custom emails setup in the Language editor that seems to have been lost after the upgrade to the store module and/or the DNN 5.6.3 upgrade. Not sure which one caused the issue to be honest. None the less. I have most of them back in place, but I have some issues:
1. The email for my store that sends the order details I have duplicated to send the same message to both the user and the customer is the following:
Thank you for placing an order with Promotional Catalog.
Please find below your order number and a summary of your order. If you have created an account, you can check the status of your order at any time by logging into our site and clicking the Order History link. If you have any questions about your order, please feel free to contact us at catalog@oups.org, or simply reply to this message.
Order Number: 1583 - Order Date: 07/08/2011 04:01
Order Contents
A061 - Wood Pencils - Yellow x 1 @ [DETAILS] x @
Sub-Total: $0.11
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Tax: $0.00
Total: $0.11
Billing Address:
Joe Smith
7332 SB
44512 Somewhere
United States
Shipping To:
Joe Smith
7332 SB
44512 Somewhere
United States
This invoice is subject to our terms of use.
If, for whatever reason, your order cannot be processed, then one of our customer services representatives will contact you shortly.
Once again, thank you for your order.
a. As you can see what is highlighted in bold is causing me some grief… the order details section for some reason shows the [DETAILS] tags. I have since then removed that code from the email so no one gets it… but why does this happen. Also some line items are duplicated and I am not sure why… for example… I may purchase a qty of 1 for a particular item and it would be listed more than once…
Ultimately I just need to have the order details. Back to normal – detailed list of products without the details tags.
b. The section where there persons information is has some spacing that should not be there… would you happen to know why?
2. In regards to the shipping and billing address. How can I have it allow for the client to enter the Company name. This field is in their profile… but there is no line item when checking out for this to part parsed into? Also… The phone number is present, but how do I get this to show in this email?
Any advice you can provide with these would be greatly appreciated.