After three days of learning, I finally got a clean, successful install of 4.0.3 on my 1and1 shared hosting plan.
Or so I thought for about 2 minutes. ( I admit the biggest problem was my knowledge level.)
While the install said it was successful, I am experiencing some real problems trying to use the site. Like:
1. Random security errors.
2. No skin is being applied and no images are being displayed, just those little x's and all the expected words on a white background (IE says the page is "Done, but with errors")
3. My installation is in a folder named DNN under my root webspace. Entering does not trigger the default.aspx page.
4. As a result of nbr 3, when i logout from the host or admin account, the link to fails
5. No menu is displaying. Search is on a line by itself.
If anyone has been successful with 1and1, I sure would like to chat with you - here or directly.
As info, 1and1 now runs 2.0 and, the best I can tell, Medium Trust.