Friendly greetings all!
I hope you will be able to assist me.
I've moved a DNN site from a private data centre to a shared hosting environment. Now, after I've restored all the data and the database and updated the connection strings in the web.config file, I get the error:
"An error has occurred. Error: [module] is currently unavailable". Therefore this is applicable to all modules, not just one.
You will be able to see what I mean if you visit this url:
I'm using DNN 4.9.2
My connection strings in the web.config are:
At <connectionstrings>:
<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionstring=",1444;Database=dnn4most;uid={removed};pwd={removed}" providername="System.Data.SqlClient">
At <appsettings>
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value=",1444;Database=dnn4most;uid={removed};pwd={removed}">
Your help will be greatly appreciated!