Cross Skin Chameleon 5.3 (for dnn 6.x only)
1. Introduction
As we know, dnn has powerful and flexible skin architecture. But sometimes it is a little inconvenience to find a suitable skin (or container) from skin list through dnn standard way, especially when you have a lot of skin/container packages.
Besides that, you may want change skin/container and an even portal logo/background image on some special days.It is a little inconvenient because you have to change them manually.
That's why we create this free module. With it, you can do above things easily. It can help site administrator switch skin/container and portal logo/background more quickly, more straightforward and more effectively.
You can even specify different skin/container/logo/background image for different period. For example, you can specify a Christmas related skin between 12/15 and 12/18, when 12/15 comes, module will automatic change your skin to it, and will change back to default skin after 12/18.
Visit to get it (and other free modules)

Over 20 + professional dnn modules for News Article, Store, Video Gallery, Photo Gallery, Ultra Flash Player,YouTube Video, Image Slide show, Skin Chameleon and much more from