I am having problems with Friendly Urls (the ones that are set up in the Host Settings Advanced tab, and stored in the SiteUrls.config file). These redirects all operate as expected on my dev site, and on a demo site. Both sites run on the same server.
The redirects do not operate at all on my production server (which is a virtual server that we rent). I also note that the standard "/admin" redirect does not work either, but Urls of the form "/tabid/81/default.aspx" do!
I noticed that the log file in /Portals/_default/Logs contained lined pertaining to Localization issues, so I considered that my production server would have to be configured as an English (UK) machine to match my development systems. At this stage I can't verify whether this has worked because the locale change killed the server (WTF?!)
Anyhow, my SiteUrls.aspx contains this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RewriterConfig xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
I'm a bit lost with this, so if anybody has any ideas about:
1) What settings do I need in IIS 7.5, what could affect this?
2) What settings do I need in Windows?
3) Could something have copied over wrong? If so, what would be a likely suspect?
4) Does anybody know a nifty way of verifying that the DNNFriendlyUrlProvider is actually being used? How can this be debugged?
In the meantime I think I'll try and add some Log4Net logging the the DNNFriendlyUrlProvider and see about getting some messages logged.
Any help would be much appreciated as always.