Good morning folks,
I ran into an error recompiling the Repository v3.5.4 in ModerateUploads.ascx.vb under DNN 6.1 and hope you can help me in resolving the issue.
Line 81: MyBase.Actions.Add(GetNextActionID, Localization.GetString("AddObject", LocalResourceFile), "", Url:=EditUrl(), secure:=SecurityAccessLevel.Edit, Visible:=True)
Results in the error "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Add' accepts this number of arguments."
It appears that there are new arguments in MyBase.Actions.Add that aren't present. I've been able to overcome it as follows, but I just don't know if I have specified the additional arguments properly. I am not using the moderated upload feature (at this point) but would like to keep all existing functionality intact:
MyBase.Actions.Add(ID:=GetNextActionID, Title:=Localization.GetString("AddObject", LocalResourceFile), CmdName:="", CmdArg:="", ClientScript:="", Icon:="", NewWindow:=False, UseActionEvent:=False, Url:=EditUrl(), Secure:=SecurityAccessLevel.Edit, Visible:=True)