Hi, our site is running very slow and we are experiencing a number of problems when using the website; most importantly, timeouts appearing when loading or editing pages, and also the backup module that we're using on the site is failing to complete.
When checking the event log it appears that the site is restarting about every minute, and I believe that this is causing the issues we're experiencing. Unfortunately the event log hasn't provided me with much to go on when trying to work out what the problem is; it just shows a high number of 'Application Started' messages (about once a minute), with just the Server Name in the details.
My first thought was that it might be something to do with the app pool, and since our site is hosted by an external web service company, I have spoken to them and they checked and confirmed that the app pool was fine (they restarted it), and that there were no memory/space issues with the site. I believe that it is hosted in it's own app pool there.
Other than that, i've not really got much else to go on and wondered if anyone might be able to suggest anything to check.
The sites not particularly big or complicated with not that many modules; we're running DNN 06.01.01