I have a multi-language DNN v561 site that uses the core language selector skin object in drop-down list mode to switch between languages. It seems to have buggy behaviour - or at any rate behaviour that we don't want.
What we want to happen is that the language of the entire page (of both static and dynamic content) changes according to the language selection made by the user, regardless of user role or page mode. However, what in fact happens is:
Issue 1
When logged on as an ordinary Registered User, the selector always displays the user's preferred language, as set in the user's profile. When you attempt to change to a different language, the page dynamic content changes correctly, but the static content (labels etc) remain in the user's preferred language. This results in pages in mixed languages, obviously not desirable.
Issue 2
When logged on as an administrator or host user and the page is in View mode, the static content changes with the dynamic content and the selector shows the selected language. This (for me at least) seems to be the correct behaviour.
However, when the page is in Edit mode, the selector behaves similarly to when a Registered User is logged on, except that rather than being "stuck" on and showing static content for the user's preferred language, it is "stuck" on the language that happened to be selected when the page was put into Edit mode.
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get the behaviour I want?.: