In my test server, I am using Events Module on my website, and I use the rss feed URL (for example, http://internettest.compaid.com/DesktopModules/Events/EventRSS.aspx?mid=2227&tabid=894) generated from Events Module in my News Feed/RSS Module to display the feeds. Everything works fine. I tried another module called FeedBurner instead of RSS module, and it works perfectly as well.
The issue is, now I moved the site into production, and neither of those two modues (RSS Module and FeedBurner Module) seems to pick up the feed. If I add stylings to either module, it will show up. I followed the exact same procedure as I created the modules in test. So I am not sure what is wrong.
I tried using other feed URLs, and some works while some don't. Here are some Working links if I put it in RSS Module or FeedBurner Module: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DotnetnukeBlogs?format=xml, https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/4ropfgi65h8gp7eoj2csksdnf0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic (this one is XML link from a google calendar). Some not-working links: http://internetprod.compaid.com/DesktopModules/Events/EventRSS.aspx?mid=1358&tabid=456, http://internettest.compaid.com/DesktopModules/Events/EventRSS.aspx?mid=2227&tabid=894
Does anyone have any insights on this issue? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.