Hi all,
We seem to have some compatibility problem with IE.
Since the last update we installed (DNN 06.01.05), we're finding that when a user clicks "Add Wiki Entry", the user can type into the entry title, but clicking in the rich editor below doesn't select the control and no insertion caret appears.
If the user clicks the paragraph style and selects (say) normal, the caret then appears in the design box... until you click the mouse anywhere in the design pane, when it disappears again. This applies either with a normal click, or with an attempt to drag the mouse to select a block of text.
The problem happens in IE 9 and 8 but not Chrome.
The problem goes away if you force the browser into quirks mode or reload the page in compatibility mode.
There is no similar problem in either the HTML module or the Forum, using the same skin/container.
Has anyone else seen this problem, and is there any workaround please?
Many thanks and best regards