I am new to Dotnetnuke(6.2) and new to IFrame(4.4). I am trying to show You tube search result in an IFrame.
example: URL - http://www.youtube.com/results?search...
for this I have conigured iFrame with the following parameters:
Link Type: URL
Location: http://youtube.com/results
QueryString Parameters:
Name: search_query
Value: Static Value
string: dotnetnuke
When I bring up the ppage, IFrame throws an error
This content cannot be displayed in a frame
To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.
What you can try:
The page opens OK in a new window.
I have 2 queries:
1. Displaying youtube search results using IFrame - Can this be done?
2. If Yes, What additional setting needs too be done.
I am able to work with some of the other sites. a few sites including Google.com, dotnetnukke.com throw simillar error.
Please help me understand - Thanks