Hello all-
I am experiencing a strange issue with my DotNetNuke site, and am hoping that someone will be able to provide some insight as to what is causing the problem.
Right now, my site is the only portal on my DNN installation and it resides at www.domain.com/dnn. In my websitesettings, I have www.domain.com/dnn and domain.com set as portal aliases, with www.domain.com/dnn being the default one. ‘Site Alias Mapping Mode’ is set to ‘Redirect’ and ‘Auto Add Site Alias’ is turned on. The purpose of these settings is to have a non-www URL redirected to a www URL (forexample, domain.com/dnn/books.aspx would redirect to www.domain.com/dnn/books.aspx.)
For the most part, this redirect seems to be working; however, an issue arises when members try to login on the website with www and non-www URLs. If I visit www.domain.com, login to the website, and browse through several pages, everything seems to work fine. But if I visit www.domain.com, login to the website, browse to www.domain.com/dnn/books.aspx, manually remove the ‘www’, and then navigate to domain.com/dnn/books.aspx, I find that I am now logged out of the website, and I am redirected to a login page since I don’t have access to www.domain.com/dnn/books.aspx unless I am logged in.
So, it appears that logging in on www.domain.com only works for URL’s that have a ‘www’ in them. If I navigate to a page and then remove the ‘www’, DNN nolonger recognizes my login.
Has anybody seen or heard of this issue before, and is there anything I can do to fix it? I have tried playing around with the portal alias settings, but nothing seems to work.
Additionally, I was trying to setup the host header value in my web.config file to remove the ‘/dnn’ part of my URL so that www.domain.com/dnn/books.aspx would appear as www.domain.com/books.aspx. I did this by simply entering ‘dnn’ as the Host Header value in my web.config file, but that didn’t work, and playing with the site aliases also didn’t seem to yield any results. I’m not sure if that issue is related to this one, but I thought I would mention it in case it has some connection.