Hey all,
I'm after a particular job listing module with an advanced search function. I've looked at numbers of them and one or two kind of do what I want but the performance is not good (could be hosting of course, but makes me dubious :-)), so Im just wondering if anyone can recommend a couple they've had experience with.
Ideally want more than just the ability to list positions. Really want to be able to group positions by categories, locations, price (salary) etc - when a category/location are in use, they're displayed in a drop down search list, but when no listings are in the category, it's hidden from the list etc.
Be nice to have a module that lists products by dates, popularity... some dynamic variables etc, to help make it more than a tool that just displays content using a template with an app form at the bottom of the listing allowing the viewer to submit their CV etc.
Another ideal would be for the tool to optionally store applicants details, so we can contact them about future jobs that may be of interest to them etc...
Any advice, suggestions would be appreciated. I'll continue to look at the modules listed in the 'store', but there's nothing like recommendatinos from those of you who may have used similar products, or know of 3rd party modules not listed in the DNN store :-)
Thanks all,