So I took a copy of the DNN login module and made my own login via my external database of users. this all works fine!
i have dnn set up so that I have a login page, so a user must authenticate in order to view anything.
The thing is I wanted that nice popup login page. So I made a login.ascx paege with a login module on it and I included in my page.ascx file a line of code that said if it was the login page to use to pop up the login window. Got that working.
But here is my problem, in IE 9 (maybe more browsers, not sure), there is a focus set on the Username textbox, which would be fine, BUT the focus is actually on the username box in the BACKGROUND, not in the POPUP. It sets the focus on the wrong box. I tried everything I could think of to set it to the popup box, but no go. In firefox it does not focus on anything so I either want NO focus at all, so the user will click in the username box in the popup, or to focus on the username in the popup oinly (not background)... I do not want to see the cursor blinking in the background of my login popup...
I know I need to have a login module on the page in order to set the login page in DNN, and I know that the login page and the popup use the same skin file...
Can anyone provide any insite into this for me??
here is what it looks like: