According to
this page :
If a Username is present in more than one portal, [permanent] removal of user in one portal has no affect on any other portals. If a username is required to be permanently removed from the entire system, the user needs to be permanently removed from each and every portal he/she is in. The [permanent] removal from the last portal will finally wash out the user the entire system, after which username can then be reused.
The entire system is not being washed out after a user is deleted from all portals. Instead, I get this error in the log:
InnerException: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_UserRelationships_Users_OnRelatedUser". The conflict occurred in database "*****", table "dbo.UserRelationships", column 'RelatedUserID'. The statement has been terminated.
I find it a bit ironic that the page I quoted above says to never create foreign key constraints on the UserID field in the Users table or else that will happen, and you guys did it in the core. I now have a bunch of users who are not in any portal, but are still stuck in the database, and it looks like I'm gonna have to manually purge them. If anyone has a list of tables that I'll need to look through, that would be a big help.