I've been contacted today by a company making professional translations, because they are hired to translate one of our clients portals. Although it sounds like this translation company has a limited understanding of DotNetNuke, they have some very relevant points and desires to make translation more efficient and professional. As your average DNN Fan, I thought I would send these pointers on to you guys :)
First and biggest need is to bulk export all HTML modules in a portal in a specific language in XML format, either as resx or XLIFF1.2 since this format is widely used with all of the major professional translation software packages. With an export like that would of course be needed a similar import which would add a new version to every module on the portal in a specific language.
It seems that translators usually works with these professional tools to make their translations more efficient. The tools include a lot of special features like side-by-side view of text, Translation Memory, resource planning, etc.). I believe creating a bulk import / export module which uses XML format would meet this demand, although I haven't found any module like this in the store.
Have you heard about these professional tools before? And what would you think is the best course of action? The translation company mentioned that a bulk export / import already is a part of Typo3 - which make me go "say what? Typo 3 is so bad compared to DNN".
Anyways, please let me know what you think. This is probably not the last time we're going to deal with a professional translation company.
Kind Regards