In my skin I would like to use the site logo without the link, because I want to add the link to a surrounding div instead of only the logo inside.
Something like this:
<a href='/'><div id='logocontainer'><dnn:LOGO runat="server" id="dnnLOGO" /></div></a>
However, becasue dnn also adds a link, this results in something like this:
<a href='/'><div id='logocontainer'><a id="dnn_dnnLOGO_hypLogo" href="http://..."><img id="dnn_dnnLOGO_imgLogo" src="....png" style="border-width:0px;" /></a></div></a>
A link inside a link is not valid and different browsers even render this completely different, none in the desired way. And as a purist, the styling should be left to the skin/css.
Can I get the logo image tag without the link? (and without the style?) Or should I build my own image tag using <%=PortalSettings.LogoFile%> and <%=PortalSettings.PortalName%> (or PortalAlias?) as the alt-tag?
There's probably a good reason to let dnn generate the link url instead of hardcoding '/'. Can I get that link somehow? Or do I need to construct it myself and which properties should I use for that?
<a href='/'><div id='logocontainer'><a id="dnn_dnnLOGO_hypLogo" title="engelse test" href="http://test1.roland"><img id="dnn_dnnLOGO_imgLogo" src="/Portals/6/logo_vlinder.png" alt="engelse test" style="border-width:0px;" /></a></div></a>