Its not really about size and transfer rates.
I can easily just package it all up as is and move it, I have the bandwidth etc.
For me, my intention is to at all times keep things as tidy as possible. Just a personal preference.
I do appreciate that DNN does try to be all things to as many people as possible. There will always be a starting point for the masses. I'm at the next level, customized and fine-tuned! 
Each time a new version comes out I update my customised install zip file to reflect the latest version.
As I do numerous installs I use a customised install with various replacements. i.e. Cutesoft Editor etc.
Getting ride of a couple of megs of files that I will never use adds clarity, less items that may cause issues down the road.
It's also less of a maze for the person who will takeover once I move on from the intital install and configuration.
There's always room for CANI - Constant And Never-ending Improvement!
<preframe>I ask the following questions out aloud so I can understand and encourage dialog!</preframe>
On a feedback note, I do have concerns about the present state of DNN for new users. It is starting to "Bloat" and "Blur".
I think its time to employ some non techie people to read the documentation and reconfigure it. No more pdf's, bring on the beast - A Compiled HTML Help file!
I'd have to ask the question "Why was 4.3.1 RC1 released with its obvious install issues"? considering the time its been undercover and also available to the Benefactor crew.
Why package all the core modules into the intial install? Installs should be broken into two stages by default:
1). Core Framework
2). Resources (Modules etc)
I don't use any of the core modules! Hence the reason why I customise.
If sourceforge can provide an easy listing of core modules why can't dotnetnuke.com do the same?
A really easy one, why do the links to a source download on dotnetnuke.com open in the same window and not a new one?
In general, there is always a percentage allowance for margin of error (end user collateral damage); However, I don't plan to be one of them... 
Not everything has to be techie, sometimes the best and least accepted answer is a simple one!
As long as I'm alive, I'll be in the DNN club!
Once again, thanks for taking the time out to contribute to my question...